~ Forty Six ~

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"Okay, so that matter is settled," my mother surmised, placing her hand on the stack of papers in front of her, "The week after next, during the debate, we give the final signal. The end of the Selection is the start of our revolution."

Carina shifted in her seat uncomfortably. "Are you sure your people can take over all of those government buildings at once?" she asked nervously, "What are your plans if it fails?"

"It's not going to fail," my mother countered, "and it won't just be my people. As long as we get the message out correctly, we will have the support of regular civilians there too."

"And if it gets violent?" Adelicia interjected from further down the table.

"As long as the princess supplies us with the weapons and ammunition like she promised," my mother answered, looking at Carina pointedly, "Then we'll be able to fend them off."

"No one wants violence," Alex added next to me, "The military doesn't want a full out gun fight with its own citizens. It's more of an intimidation tactic."

The princess seemed to relax at that, and incidentally I did too. I don't know if Alex was lying to convince her to stay with us, but his logic seemed reasonable and eased a few of my fears. I didn't want people dying for this, and though it's optimistic, I wanted to believe this could be a peaceful take over.

"We must make sure to tell our side that as well," Turps said from the end of the table, "We do not want government officials lynched in the streets. It will ruin our reputation and call into question the new government and the lengths at which it will go for control."

"Which is one of the reasons we're here in the first place," Alex agreed.

"Atlas and I will continue to work on her presentation to include that nuance," Turps continued, making me perk up at the mention of my name. I was tired, and all the stress that had been building up in me the past few days was starting to wear on me. The hum from the vent system and cheap lights of the bunker weren't helping my sleepiness either.

"Whatever you say is going to be too transparent," Alex argued, "My father will see right through it."

"Let me handle that your majesty," Gavril assured, placing his hand on the table, "You just need to agree to end the Selection."

"Have you talked to your brothers?" Valeera asked, leaning forward to look over Adelicia at the prince, "How much have you told them?"

"Just that I'm ending it that night," he answered.

My mother's eyebrows knit together. "You think that's safe enough? We don't know how they'll react," she pointed out.

"They're my brothers," he shot back, suddenly hostile, "They trust me."

"I'm a little worried about Christoph," I admitted quietly, looking at Alex out of the corner of my eye.

"I talked to Adalene," the French princess told me, "She has been broaching the subject, and she says he seems willing to consider dropping out of the Selection so they can marry instead. He's obviously more concerned about the reaction of others than if it's something he actually wants."

"I know it's a little extreme, but we could always detain him," Valeera mumbled, not meeting anyone's eyes, "I could take charge of that during the debate. I could grab him if he tries anything."

"He won't do anything with the cameras rolling," Alexandre promised, "I'll talk him down if I need to, but he's not an immediate threat and we have more important things to worry about than my brothers."

"We should talk about what happens after," Turps prompted, "Atlas. . . there's a very high chance you will be arrested on the spot. We need your explicit consent that you're okay with that, otherwise we need to change the plan."

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