~ Five ~

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I didn't talk to the princes long, for I could feel eyes watching my every move and it made me nervous. I mainly talked about my experiences this morning and everything I liked about the palace so far, knowing I would exhaust my conversation topics about kickboxing and my brother quickly.  

I tried introducing myself to some of the other selected as well, but I assumed they had all seen my disappearance with Prince Ross, so all I received were very curt and cordial responses. 

I kept to those that I already knew and ended up talking with Valeera for the rest of the time. I learned that she was a five from New Montreal in the north, another city popular for it's slums and crime. I was dying to know if rumors of my fighting had somehow managed to reach all the way up there, but  I felt like it wasn't appropriate information to discuss over tea. I just hoped she wouldn't mention it to any of the other girls or the princes. 

I tried to eat, but the minute I bit into a strawberry tart my head started to spin and my teeth ached from the sugar. I knew it would be dangerous to start eating all this rich food so quickly and heavily, and I would have to make an effort to introduce myself to it before I made myself sick. The tea was heavenly though, and did wonders to the cold, nervous sweat I was having. 

It felt like days before the royal family bid us farewell and Silver announced we would be heading to our rooms, and I was  exhausted. Our tutor continued to talk as we all headed in a group upstairs, but I ignored her, instead focusing on keeping my balance on the marble staircase so I wouldn't fall and take out the girls around me. 

My room was down a long hallway, away from a lot of the action and tucked away into a corner. Hopefully I could get some peace and quiet down here. 

Opening the door, I was immediately greeted with the sound of furious whispering and the distinctive noise of rustling skirts. Realizing that Silver had said something about maids, I cautiously opened the door all the way and was greeted with a chorus of "Welcome Lady Avery" from three women standing  in the middle of the carpet, seemingly trying very hard to look professional.

"Um, hello," I smiled shyly, nervous about stepping into the room. I felt like I was intruding, even though it was my room and they were there solely to serve me.

"Good afternoon," the one in the middle and slightly in front of the other two greeted, "My name is Hannah, I will be your head maid for the duration of your stay." She was blonde, with kind blue eyes and a mouth that turned upward in a permanent, knowing smile.  She motioned to the woman at her left. "This is Gemma," she introduced, and the brunette smiled and brought her hand up in greeting. She was small and mouse like, mouthing the word 'hello' but barely having any sound come out. The one on Hannah's other side was much more friendly, and curtsied when was introduced as Luna. She has short, raven black hair and looked to be of New Asian decent. 

All three wore the familiar brown dressed of the servant class and had their hair pulled back in braids and buns.  They couldn't have been much older than me. I realized that they must have been at least sixes, and their palace work might mean an even higher cast; I should be the one curtsying to them. "Listen, I appreciate your help, but I really don't need any maids," I said, my stomach knotting at the thought of these woman having to serve someone of a lower caste, "I can keep my room clean." 

They all smiled and giggled at me, as if I had said something funny. Hannah spoke up after a moment. "We don't just clean your room Lady Avery," she said, giving me a pitying smile, "We're also your stylists and guides. We make all your dresses and keep track of where you should be and when." 

"O...oh, okay," I said sheepishly, feeling foolish. I guessed that I would just need to get used to having people always around me. "You can just call me Atlas at least," I added, not wanting to be called Lady Avery every time they needed to address me. 

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