~ Ten ~

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"What if I fall off the horse," I ask quietly as Hannah fixed a busted stitch under my arm on my dress. Tonight was the selected's first report and all three of my maids were making sure everything was perfect, even though we wouldn't even be on camera tonight. I had on a long sleeved, navy dress. The bodice was decorated with a gold leaf design and a sash across my shoulder and tucked into my belt gave it a very Moroccan vibe. The skirt's top layer split at my waist with the same gold design, adding visual height.  

I had gotten closer with my maids, and found myself telling them what I had told Prince Ross. After coming back from my talk wit him and becoming violently sick from the stress, they were there to calm me down and listen as I told them about my worries, especially Hannah. I hated the idea of showing weakness in front of anyone, but after the attack and Gemma's recuperation, I felt like I could trust them as much as they could me. It was as if I had gained three sisters over night. They were the one's who could tell when I was stressed and they had even talked to me about Albany's threats, even offered possible solutions. 

I knew I didn't have to command them to secrecy. They out of everyone else in this palace knew what desperation and hunger felt like. I still didn't feel safe enough to tell them about Sjin and why I was here; that was something that was too dangerous to tell anyone. 

"Then you will have your big strong prince to catch you," Gemma said uncharacteristically, stopping whatever she was doing with my makeup to give me a toothy smile. The other two women laughed around me.

"Gemma!" I whined, "That's not going to help if we both get trampled by a horse!" I broke out into a grin as they continued to laugh at me though. 

"Have you ever even seen a horse Atlas?" Hannah asked, giggling. 

"No! Of course I haven't! There are no horses in the Allsport slums!" I laughed exasperatedly, "What if I can't do it? I'm going to make a fool of myself!" 

"Prince Ross! I can't get on the horse! I need help!!" Gemma sighed dramatically, bringing the back of her hand to her forehead. 

Luna puffed out her chest. "Well let me help you there, my dear," Luna said in deep voice as she did a very bad impression of Ross. I snorted with laughter as she grabbed Gemma's waist. 

"Oh your highness," Gemma sighed, falling into Luna's arms, "I'm sorry I'm so clumsy. I've never ridden a..." Gemma paused and stroked Luna's chest, and I nearly tackled both of them. She was about to finish her sentence when a knock made us all whirl towards the door. 

We had left it open to get some air moving through it, but all I needed right now was for Prince Ross to have seen that ridiculous display. Luckily it was only Beckii standing in the doorway, and I could feel my maids around me relax. "Um, hey Atlas," Beckii greeted, "I was wondering if you wanted to walk down to the studio with me when you were ready." 

I was touched by the gesture. "Sure! I think I'm ready now," I told her, walking away as Hannah complained about my hair not having enough pins and Gemma trying to fix my eye shadow as I walked. "Thanks girls!" I smiled, trying to get away from them and rushing out into the hall with Beckii.

"Wow Atlas," she breathed, "You look absolutely breath taking. Your maids really know what they're doing..." 

"You look gorgeous too," I said, trying to sound sincere. I wasn't used to receiving or giving compliments, but I hoped that she could see I was telling the truth. Beckii wore a blue dress that faded to almost black as it touched the floor, and it hung from her thin frame at just the right angles. 

"Thanks," she smiled. We started walking down the hall, not running into any of the other girls. "You seem to get along well with your maids," she noted. 

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