~ Fifty One~

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"Atlas," I heard someone whisper from the small, grated window on the door to my cell. I couldn't see outside, and they only gave me one meal today, so I couldn't tell what time it was.

I threw the blanket off of me and swung my legs over the side of the cot to stand and walk over to greet whoever had visited me.

I had to stand on my toes to look out, but Alex had no issues reaching the window. He grabbed the bars with his hands and leaned forward, squinting at me in the dim light. After he hadn't showed up last night and this morning, I had worried he wouldn't be able to visit me at all. I felt like I had been just sitting here, decomposing in this cell, but seeing his face filled me with energy.

I tried to keep the thoughts at bay, but I couldn't help thinking that this would be the last time we would ever talk to each other like this. I wish I could hold him one more time.

"What time is it?" I asked, placing my hands on the bottom edge of the window to steady myself.

Alexandre gave me a sad smile. "I assumed you were used to meeting in the middle of the night by now," he joked lightly, ". . . It's around midnight."

It was already midnight of the second day? Time really did pass weirdly down here.

I had been given the white blouse and black pants I arrived at the castle in when I had woken up this (presumed) morning, but the only other interaction I had was when a guard opened up the door long enough to place a tray of food on the floor before locking me back up. I had slept most of the day, bored and trying to escape my thoughts, but it disoriented me.

"Um. . . how are you?" I asked, unsure of what else to say.

His eyebrows furrowed. "I'm fine, I'm just worried about you," he admitted, "Do you really not have any lights in there?"

"It's your castle," I pointed out sullenly. His forehead wrinkled with stress, so I quickly added, "I won't be in here much longer. It's alright."

The prince let out a long breath. "Everyone's pretty upset that I called off the Selection so quickly," he mentioned, "They're in a frenzy. This is probably the quietest place in the castle right now."

I was going to correct him by mentioning the roof, but then bit back my words. "Do you know what will happen tomorrow?" I asked simply.

His eyes drifted away from mine. "You'll be brought up to the throne room for the closing ceremony," Alex explained quietly, "To keep up appearances. Your maids will be down here in the morning and then you'll be escorted by guards. . . after that. . ." He ran a hand through his hair. As upset as I was, I found it incredibly charming.

"And. . . everyone else?" I asked cryptically, "Is everything. . . prepared?"

"I don't really have direct control over that," he answered, speaking on the external plans to storm all the state buildings, "Gavril says there are a lot of grumblings among the lower castes. The NSRF have been trying to distribute supplies and organize protests for tomorrow. So far, no one has gotten caught."

"That's a miracle," I muttered.

"Yeah. . ." he muttered, trailing off.

"How are you holding up?" I asked again, hoping for a more honest answer, "What are you feeling about tomorrow?"

Alexandre looked like he was going to quickly dismiss the question out of habit, but then he closed his mouth and sighed loudly through his nose. "I'm. . . scared," he admitted shakily, "I don't really know what I'm going to do – what I'm going to say to my father. I mean, Gavril's been running through scenarios with me, but he seems more confident than I am that everything will go according to plan."

Atlas (A Selection/Hat Films Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now