~ Thirteen ~

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"I don't understand why I need to wear a dress when I'm going to be riding a horse in the woods," I complained to Ross who was walking me out towards the stables. My maids had adamantly refused to make me even the fanciest of riding gear if it involved pants, so I was wearing a blue velvet riding dress adorned with doubled breasted gold buttons and a hat that rested on the hair that was piled onto of my head. With Ross' matching riding suit, you would think we had come from the Victorian era. 

"Because there will be photographers my dear," he laughed, placing his hand on the small of my back as we walked towards the stables. 

"Shouldn't I be wearing some kind of protection?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him, "Like a helmet? Or elbow pads or something?" 

"I seem to remember you being quoted as saying 'having my eyebrows plucked is worse than being punched in the face,' and I imagine that wasn't an exaggeration," he laughed, "Either way, you will not be falling off any horse today Lady Atlas." He pushed open the stable doors and I was immediately hit with the stench of animal. 

A stable hand came to us immediately. "Who will it be today, your highness?" he asked, bowing. 

"I'll take Ace today, as long as he's feeling up to it," Ross said politely, "And my date here will take Acorn." 

"As long as she is feeling up to it. . ." I trailed nervously. The stables were dark, but I could just make out the hulking masses behind the doors and hear the snorts and stamps of the horses. I instinctively grabbed onto Ross' arm. It wasn't often that I was faced with something bigger than me that I couldn't at least fight off. 

"Is the great Atlas actually scared?" Prince Ross teased as he felt me jump at the loud clank of the wood barring one of the compartments. 

"No," I shot back, but then I saw the stable hand walking a giant animal towards us. It was a sleek, black stallion with muscles that moved taught under it's skin with every step. It's hooves were large and I thought of how easily it could break free of it's handler and run me down.

I took a step back, feeling panic rise in my throat. I looked around instinctively, ready to run for the closest accent. 

Prince Ross chuckled at my reaction. "Atlas, I grew up with Ace, he would not hurt a fly." He reached out a hand for me, but I didn't take it.

"I'm not going near that thing," I said, taking another step back and pressed myself up against the rough wood walls. 

"Would you please take Ace outside and wait for us there," Ross asked the stable hand more seriously, "I can get Acorn myself." 

"Of course, your majesty," he said, turning the horse around and walking out the doors on the other side of the barn. 

 "Come with me Atlas," Ross said, motioning me for him to follow him farther into the stable, "Acorn is my sister's horse, she's a lot less intimidating than Ace, but just as sweet." 

I watched him warily, but I had to remember that I trusted Ross. My feet shuffled across the straw strewn on the floor and I stood behind him as he unlocked the gate and grabbed onto the reins of the horse inside. 

Acorn was smaller than Ace, but still larger than I was. I had not expected these animals to be so big from what I had to seen in magazines and on TV. Prince Ross gently stroked the space between her eyes and then started leading her out of the stable towards me. 

"Come say hello Atlas," Ross said, taking my hand in his free one. 

Swallowing the fear I felt, I took a few experimental steps and reached out my finger tips towards the spot where Ross had pet. The hair was softer than I imagined in would be, and Acorn pushed her head into my hand, causing me to jump back. 

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