37. Aaron Hotchner

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    Early morning light streamed through the curtains

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    Early morning light streamed through the curtains. (Y/N) rolled over to see that it was 6:00 in the morning. She could tell by the shift in the mattress that her fiance was awake too.

     It was one of the rare days that Aaron Hotchner had off of work and decided he'd forsake his morning run for the day in favor of spending the morning with family.

      "I'm hungry." (Y/N) whispered unwilling to break the silence.

      "Five more minutes." Was the reply she got from Aaron as he tightened his arms around her.

     (Y/N) turned in his arms from where they were lying in bed. "I love these moments I can steal with you." She hummed.

     Aaron kissed the top of her head. "Me too." He replied. "Quiet, peaceful, still."

     "Which probably means someone is going to come in and shatter it." (Y/N) answered thoughtfully with a small smile.

      "Don't say that." Aaron argued softly, knowing it was probably true.

     "In ten, nine, eight..."

    Aaron stared down at the (Y/H/C) haired beauty in his arms. 

    "Can't we just enjoy the moment?" He demanded playfully, kissing the top of her head.

    "Six, five, four-"

     "(Y/N), I have nothing to do today, you're off of work. Jack has school and soccer practice. It's a good day."

    (Y/N) stretched up and pecked him on the lips. "Three." She kissed him again. "Two."

     Suddenly he rolled them over, kissing her hard. "(Y/N), it's a good day." He insisted pressing a finger to her lips.

    All at once Jack ran into the room at the same time Aaron's phone went off.

     "One." (Y/N) sighed.

    "Hotchner." Aaron answered the phone while (Y/N) scooped Jack up putting a finger to her lips to tell him to be quiet. "Yeah, I'll be right in."

     "Work?" (Y/N) asked.

     "Work." He confirmed.

     "Okay, let's go." (Y/N) chirped.

     It was one of Hotch's favorite things about her. She was always cheery and made the best of whatever situation they were in. And coming from a military family she understood that he had to be away a lot.

    After that it was flurry of motion. (Y/N) ushered Jack out of the room and helped him prepare for school.

     As soon as she was satisfied that he could manage she rushed to the kitchen sliding in her socks to prepare the boys breakfast.

     She hurriedly threw pieces of bread into the toaster and began to scramble some eggs over the stove.

    Jack came in and sat at the stool for the island.

    (Y/N) turned and poured him a glass of orange juice.

    Meanwhile Hotch hurriedly got dressed and followed his family into the kitchen. While (Y/N) was turned he grabbed the toast and put it on a plate handing it to Jack. 

    (Y/N) slipped around Aaron to get the eggs off the stove.

    "(Y/N) where's my briefcase?"

    "Living room!" (Y/N) shouted in return.

     Aaron appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. "I have to go." He mumbled kissing Jack goodbye on the top of his head.

    "Are you going to be a hero, Daddy?" Jack asked.

    "Yep, be good for (Y/N) bud."

     Jack nodded.

    "Mommy, can we get ice cream today?" Jack asked.

     Both (Y/N) and Aaron froze for a split second, but soon a bright smile spread across their faces.

    "Of course sweetheart."

    "After soccer practice." Aaron added sternly. "I'll call you with an update as soon as I can." He promised as the adults rushed to the door.

     "Oh wait!" (Y/N) called as he was already halfway out the door.

    Aaron paused, turning and (Y/N) quickly fixed his time and gave him a quick kiss. "Be safe."

    "You too."

    (Y/N) smiled locking the door behind him. She glanced at the time and her eyes widened. "Jack you're going to be late." She called immediately beginning to panic again.

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