14. Niklaus Mikaelson

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     "I'm sorry!" (Y/N) shouted desperately following the original Hybrid into the Mikaelson mansion

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     "I'm sorry!" (Y/N) shouted desperately following the original Hybrid into the Mikaelson mansion.

     Elijah stood up from where he had been reading and quickly made his way into the foyer at the sounds of fighting. 

     "Sorry?" Klaus echoed as he raged. "How many other people know of this?" He demanded.

     "No one." (Y/N) assured glancing to Elijah for help. 

     She still remembered bumping into him in the street. In her dizzy state she had asked for help and he had obliged. Elijah brought the fainted girl to the Mikaelson home and when she awoke he was there with Rebekah to ask her what had happened. She explained to the best of her ability unsure on how she had wound up in this world. She came from a world where the originals in front of her were nothing but characters in a TV show. She didn't tell them that, only knowing it would result in her death. Using her knowledge she begged Elijah to promise her a home and safety. When he agreed to her promise she immediately fell at ease and fit in well with the Mikaelson family.

     Rebekah took the girl with her and set her up in a room. She was more than happy to have another girl with her. They gossiped for hours on end and eventually it was because of Rebekah that (Y/N) "learned" about vampires.

     As for her relationship with Kol, the two always found subtle ways to pull pranks on the other siblings. Whether it was switching some of Rebekah's clothes for knock offs or dumping a small paint bucket on Klaus or cutting off the ends of Elijah's ties while he slept it was always something.

     After a long lecture from Elijah about their inappropriate behavior (Y/N) decided on some occasions it would be best to listen to his advice. The two chatted endlessly about books often over a cup of tea. Elijah would teach (Y/N) about Shakespeare and she would rant about the different folklore on how to kill vampires which never failed to amuse Elijah.

     Whereas (Y/N)'s relationship with the other Mikaelson's was platonic, there was something different about her and Klaus. The two would talk for hours on end about the most normal things all while he would paint her. There were times even when the hybrid would take (Y/N) into town for a simple cup of coffee. Or they would take Hope to the park and watch her play all in a content silence.

     Despite her close connection with the Mikaelson's (Y/N) never revealed her secret to anyone. The guilt that came with that decision was never ending. Until now when she had foolishly made a joke about the white oak stake. Her and Klaus were having a drink at the grill and in her comfort she had let it slip. No one had told her about it and as such Klaus immediately suspected that she was plotting against the family. She had to tell him everything. The betrayal he felt was twofold as he thought of her not only as his friend but the woman he was falling in love with.

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