17. Damon Salvatore

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     "You need to have someone to support you and a family

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     "You need to have someone to support you and a family." Susan chastised. "You need to move on."

     (Y/N)'s (Y/E/C) eyes remained unfocused. "I do not care for that." She replied miserably. "I'm a widow."

     "Well you are going to have to care." Susan answered boldly. "Because I set up a meeting in the park a week from Friday with the preacher's son."

     "Everybody says he's crazy." (Y/N) argued. "Babbling about demons of the night. Writing in journals."

     Susan smiled and rose from her seat in the parlor of (Y/N)'s family home. "Guess you'll have to see." She left shortly later.

     (Y/N) stood and began to clean the china away. It was something to distract her from the heavy hole in her heart. It was days like these when she almost wished that she had never met him.

     "My apologies." (Y/N) jumped moving away from the hand she had bumped into when she had moved to open the door for herself. She caught herself staring up into clear blue eyes.

     The gentleman smiled down at her. His curly dark hair falling into his face, "After you ma'am." He answered smoothly opening the door for her.

     "Thank you." (Y/N) murmured, a blush dusting her cheeks. She swiftly gathered the items she needed from the store for afternoon tea with her friends. Her hands were full and she was unable to open the door.

     Luckily the handsome stranger came to her rescue again. "I'm Damon Salvatore." He grinned.

     (Y/N) looked up at him. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

     (Y/N) shook her head and stood up straight she turned around. The sight before her causing her to drop the china. The shards crashed around her feet. "Damon?" She whispered her (Y/E/C) eyes filling with tears.

      "Careful." He replied eyeing the sharp edges of glass. He stepped over the shards and picked her up easily carrying her to safety.

     "You're supposed to be dead."

     "Yes, I suppose that is what my father would have told you isn't it?"

      (Y/N) startled awake at the sounds of commotion. Damon wasn't in the bed beside her as he usually was. In a hurry she rushed down the stairs of the Salvatore mansion. She had moved in after she and Damon were married, before he had left for the war. She usually felt uncomfortable in the big house, but she felt content enough with Damon by her side.

     "What's happening?" She demanded seeing her father-in-law, Giuseppe, rushing out the front door.

     "Stay inside." He ordered. "Invite no one in."

     Giuseppe left as shouts and fire filled the night air.

     (Y/N) busied herself by throwing on a dressing gown and sitting by the front window where she could see if anyone were to return.

     When the sky began to lighten she could see Giuseppe trudging up the front steps of the mansion.

     (Y/N) rushed into the foyer flinging the door open as he stepped inside. "What happened?" She demanded.

     He stared at her with a solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry."

     "Sorry? For what?"

     "(Y/N), Damon and Stefan were caught in the crossfire of some Union sympathizers."

     Her hands flew to her mouth. "What do you mean? What are you saying?"

     "I'm sorry. They're gone."

     (Y/N) crumpled. Someone screamed. She later realized it was her as she sobbed, gasping for air. Giuseppe caught her holding her in comfort.

     The days passed in a blur after that. There was no funeral. (Y/N) moved back into her childhood home. Her mother and father having previously passed away. She lived alone. She was a widow.

     "I don't understand." (Y/N) whispered. 

     Damon stroked his thumb across her cheek and (Y/N) breathed in a sharp breath. She recalled she had felt his touch before after his "death." Small, stolen moments when she was alone. The feeling of someone watching her. A brush of someone's lips across her forehead just before she drifted into sleep. Lately a crow had been following her whenever she went around the town. She had jokingly invited it into her home one day for tea when she was gardening and saw it watching her.

     "I thought I've seen you around." (Y/N) whispered as he brushed a hand through her (Y/H/C) locks. "The whole town thinks I'm crazy. You should see the way they look at me."

     "I know. I just had to see you." Damon murmured, his brow furrowed.

     "Damon, what happened?" (Y/N) questioned peering up at him. He seemed so different, yet so similar.

     "What did my father tell you?" Damon replied, his eyes narrowed. His father was a treacherous man and he was grateful that Stefan had taken care of him. That just meant that he would no longer be involved in (Y/N)'s life.

     "He said that you and Stefan were caught in the crossfire of Union sympathizers." (Y/N) managed to choke out.

     Damon nodded, looking away for a brief second to gather his thoughts. He couldn't stay in Mystic Falls. It would only bring (Y/N) danger and he couldn't- wouldn't turn her.

     "Damon?" (Y/N) asked trying to get him to look at her.

     He turned back quicker than she could register, cupping her face in his hands gently as if he could break her. "Damon Salvatore died that night." He said. "You are going to be upset and heartbroken, but you are going to move on because that's what he would have wanted you to do. You will fall in love and have a beautiful family and children. But know that he loved you very much, your name was on his lips when he died."

     (Y/N) parroted his words back to him.

     "Close your eyes." Damon instructed, the tears he had held back beginning to run down his face.

     (Y/N) did as she was told. 

     "When you open your eyes you are going to forget this conversation. And you are going to forget I was here." His voice droned on comfortingly.

     The feel of his warm lips on her cheek was the last thing she remembered before she opened her eyes.

     (Y/N) looked around her empty house seeing the broken china. She shuddered as a draft blew into the house noticing an open window with a crow perched on the ledge. She put her hands on her hips fixing the crow with a stern gaze. "Did you do this?" She demanded pointing at the broken tea cups. "Shoo." She demanded ushering the crow away. 

     The crow fixed her with a piercing gaze before it took flight and (Y/N) closed the window.

     She turned back to clean up the shattered china. For the first time in weeks she felt content. Not happy or sad, just content. She knew that eventually everything would get better.

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