4. Niklaus Mikaelson

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     Being close with the Mikaelson family was bound to get (Y/N) into trouble sooner or later

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     Being close with the Mikaelson family was bound to get (Y/N) into trouble sooner or later. She figured she was safe enough being a vampire and all, but of course she was wrong. And of course it had to be a pissed off coven of witches.

     The day started normally enough. (Y/N) awoke to the sun shining through the curtains of the boarding house. She got dressed quickly and spent the day hiking in the woods before she met Caroline at the grill for dinner.

     The two friends got their usual table and began to chat about all the normal drama that went around Mystic Falls.

    "So," Caroline began, "what's with you and Klaus?"

     "What?" (Y/N) exclaimed. "No, nothing." She stuttered.

     "Mhm." Caroline smiled before leaning closer. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you guys look really cute together."

     (Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's head home." She laughed, standing up. 

     Caroline beamed in return. The two friends stood and made their way out of the restaurant still chattering about their lives.

     "Does the town seem quieter tonight?" (Y/N) asked as they stopped in the middle of town square. 

     "Yeah." Caroline agreed as they stood back to back. 

    (Y/N) yelped clutching her head as it burst in pain. She crumpled to her knees noticing through her blurry vision that Caroline was on the ground beside her and a figure was approaching them.

     Fighting through the pain (Y/N) ran to the person and tackled them. "Run Caroline!" She shouted when everything cleared for a second.

     The only response she received was a rush of air that told her Caroline had gotten away safe before everything turned black.

     It was a quiet night at the Mikaelson mansion. Elijah was reading in front of the roaring fireplace. Kol and Rebekah chatted quietly while Klaus sketched (Y/N)'s face. Her (Y/H/C) hair framed her face and her (Y/E/C) eyes sparkled with happiness.

     A rush of wind made Klaus lose the pages in his sketch pad while the pages in Elijah's book flipped wildly.

     Immediately the Mikaelson family was on their feet ready to fight whoever was stupid enough to invade their home. 

     "(Y/N) was taken by witches!" Caroline announced worry in her eyes and voice.

     As soon as the words were out of her mouth the coffee table was in splinters with the force of Klaus' rage.

     "Go with Rebekah and inform Stefan and Damon." Elijah ordered.

     Klaus' eyes turned gold and that was the only incentive Caroline and Rebekah needed to run to the boarding house to tell (Y/N)'s brothers what had happened.

     It had been 4 weeks. Not that (Y/N) knew that. She had lost track of time being chained up in the dark room with vervain constantly being pumped into her system. She was given barely enough blood to be kept alive.

     Every breath hurt and sometimes the witches that had taken her would come in and cast spells or drain her. (Y/N) had nearly given up. The only thought that was keeping her going was the promise of her family finding her.

     Her vision swam in and out and faintly she swore she could hear the sounds of a fight. It all sounded far away as if she were underwater.

     Klaus had found her. He had, for once, worked tirelessly with the Salvatore brothers to get (Y/N) home. The three of them and Elijah and Rebekah were fighting their way to get to her.

     "(Y/N), love. Can you hear me?" A face appeared before her.

     "Damon?" (Y/N) mumbled.

     The person in front of her chuckled, but she could just make out their blue-green eyes swimming with worry. "Let's get you out of here."

     Whoever it was who rescued her easily snapped the cuffs that held her hands behind her and scooped her into their arms.

     (Y/N) whimpered in pain at the movement. "Niklaus." She murmured finally realizing who was carrying her.

     "Don't strain yourself, love." He replied.

     She could feel the wind against her face for the first time in weeks as he ran from wherever she was being kept. With that final sensation (Y/N) passed out her head falling against Klaus' chest.

     "This is our sister!" Stefan said lowly.

     "I'm well aware." Klaus retorted.

     "And you just took her away as quick as possible and left us to deal with the witches!" Damon snapped.

     "Would you have preferred if I had left her there?"

     (Y/N) winced at the sound of her brothers fighting. Her head pounded and her throat burned with thirst.

     "They've been fighting for hours." Rebekah said approaching her closest friend with a glass of blood.

     (Y/N) took it gratefully and downed it after sitting up in the bed. She set the glass on the nightstand and stood up a little unsteadily. "Well if they don't quit, they're going to have me to deal with." She stated.

     Rebekah walked to her friend and helped her to the top of the stairs. They were in the Mikaelson mansion so (Y/N) could see down to the foyer where her brothers were arguing with Klaus while Elijah and Kol watched amused.

     Elijah glanced up at the sound of footsteps. He smiled in greeting when (Y/N) and Rebekah both leaned against the railing looking down at the argument.

     "Would you three quit it?" (Y/N) said finally after observing the bickering for a bit longer, her head in her hands.

     Stefan, Damon, and Klaus all looked up at the sound of her voice.

     "Stefan, Damon," (Y/N) started, "Klaus helped save me. The least you could do is thank him. And Niklaus, please don't antagonize my brothers. And why are you covered in blood?"

     Klaus' pink lips turned up into a smirk. "You didn't expect I would let those witches live did you, love?"

     "It's a surprise you waited as long as you did." Elijah commented.

     "Oh, please." Rebekah scoffed. "We all know it's because he fancies her."

     (Y/N) flushed bright red while Damon's eyes hardened into a glare. Stefan silently dragged him away to the boarding house shooting (Y/N) a look that promised they'd discuss the matter later.

     Klaus' smirk only grew.

     (Y/N) huffed as her head began to pound with a headache. She was still thirsty. Her mouth felt like sandpaper.

     Klaus ran to her at vampire speed so he stood in front of her barely a step away. "We'll go out and feed in a minute. Let me go get cleaned up."

     (Y/N) managed to nod.

     Klaus drew the (Y/H/C) Salvatore close and kissed her forehead making her blush again before he left to change out of his bloodied clothes.

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