19. Aaron Hotchner

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     The small voice stirred the (Y/H/C) haired woman from her sleep. She looked at her doorway and noticed the small boy standing there. He was in his pajamas and clung tightly to his blanket.

     (Y/N) sat up gesturing the boy to come forward. "Did you have a nightmare sweetheart?"

     The little boy nodded. "Can I sleep with you?" He mumbled.

     (Y/N) sighed but picked him up. "Only for tonight." She told him sternly.

      He snuggled into her side and (Y/N) wrapped her arms around him comfortingly.

      Eventually his breathing evened out and (Y/N) sighed in relief. She made sure he was comfortable sleeping farthest from the door by her nightstand before she began to drift into sleep herself. She was a retired police officer and had CPR and first aid qualifications that had been rigorously checked over when she had accepted the job of a live-in babysitter for the Hotchner family.

     Jack was easy to care for and he was a sweet boy. When his father was home (Y/N) would help clean the house and cook dinners for them so that he could spend more time with his son. At first she had been nervous around a profiler and hoped he wouldn't get irritated with her for how she was raising his son or read into every little thing she did. Over time (Y/N) relaxed finding him easy to be around and talk to. The team he worked with was kind and welcoming too. Sometimes she even helped out with JJ and Will's son, Henry. (Y/N) only recently grew nervous again when she realized she was developing feelings for her employer.

      Slowly (Y/N) began to slip back into sleep when she noticed a dark figure watching them from the door. In her sleep deprived state (Y/N) panicked throwing herself onto Jack and rolled over off the bed with him in her arms as to cushion his fall. She wretched open her nightstand drawer and grabbed her gun pointing it at the intruder.

     "Daddy!" Jack squealed wriggling away from (Y/N) and running towards his father.

      (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief and put her gun away resting her head on the bed. Her (Y/H/C) hair fanned around her, framing her face.

      Aaron laughed, picking Jack up. "Hey buddy!" 

     "You scared me." (Y/N) gasped.

     "Sorry." Aaron chuckled. "We came home early from a case."

     "Yeah I gathered that." (Y/N) mumbled. She stood rubbing her sore back where she had fallen. "Well, welcome home." She waved her hand at him dismissively. "I'm going back to sleep." 

     (Y/N) rearranged the fallen sheets, as soon as she had done so Jack took a flying leap and landed in the middle of the bed. (Y/N) laid down comfortably in the bed and Jack snuggled into her side the same way he had done before.

     "Come on Daddy." He urged.

     Aaron looked at (Y/N) for permission. Only then did she notice that he didn't have his usual tie and jacket. His shoes and socks were missing and his sleeved were rolled up to the elbows.

     "It's fine." She squeaked, grateful the room was dark enough to hide her blush.

     By morning (Y/N) awoke in a tangle of limbs. Aaron was sleeping on his back soft snores escaping his mouth. Her head rested on his chest. Her right hand was on his shoulder. Jack slept on top of his father, his head resting underneath (Y/N)'s. Aaron's arm wrapped around his son so his hand rested on (Y/N)'s waist while his other arm held her shoulders. (Y/N)'s left arm rested over Jack's back so that it was on Aaron's chest. Aaron and (Y/N)'s legs were tangled together.

     (Y/N) flushed not wanting to leave the warmth of the embrace but eventually she pulled away. It took her a while to move without waking the boys but eventually she managed. She padded down the hall to the kitchen and began to make waffles.

     A few minutes later she heard rustling in the house. And soon she could hear Saturday morning cartoons filter into the kitchen from the living room.

     "Smells good." Aaron commented entering the kitchen. He rummaged in the drawers for a second assisting her in pulling out the waffle iron. His clothes were rumpled from having slept in them and he'd never looked hotter.

     "Well I should hope so." (Y/N) grinned, her (Y/E/C) eyes lighting up. "I'm making them."

     Aaron chuckled at her. "You know," He began, "I'm a profiler."

     (Y/N) stilled her movements in whisking the batter but hurriedly kept going. "Yes, and?" She glanced over at him when he offered no answer.

      He was a lot closer than he was before. He was leaning against the counter right beside her. Aaron reached over cupping her face with one hand. His thumb stroking the skin under her eye. "Your eyes are dilated." He mumbled. He leaned forward and placed a quick kiss to her lips before pulling away.

     (Y/N) looked at him stunned for a second before turning back to her task at hand. Her cheeks were tinted red. "I hate profilers." She grumbled.

     Aaron laughed at her, helping her make breakfast. "No you don't."

     "No waffles for you." (Y/N) said waving a spatula at him.

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