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jungkook woke up with a headache, which was not a good way to start his morning because he has places to go.

taehyung was still sleeping, so he didn't know.

he let him sleep for a little longer, because he didn't feel too well.

taehyung fell asleep in his nap time room last night, so he wasn't in the room.

he finally decided to go get taehyung up, because if he didn't he would be pretty whiny and loud.

"hi prince, good morning sweetheart."

taehyung looked over at jungkook, smiling and giggling before sitting up.

"how are you bubba?" he asked, moving his hair away from his eyes.

taehyung didn't reply, he just looked up at jungkook.

he probably didn't want to talk today.

"should we get you dressed so you can go take pictures bubba? hm?"


he picked him up, carrying him into the bedroom so he could put his clothes on.

he got him dressed, and now it was time to do his hair.


"yes bun?"

"can taetae have milkie please?"

"yes you can, you can have milkie in a minute baby."

he hummed, letting jungkook comb his hair while he sucked on his pacifier.

he touched the mirror, putting handprints all over it, but it didn't really matter.

"stay still for me tae baby."

and he knew that taehyung couldn't stay still unless he was focused, so he grabbed his ipad and put it in front of him.

"watch a show on there baby boy."

and just like that, taehyung stayed still.

he finished his hair, not even bothering to tell taehyung that he was done because he was so focused.

while he did that, he went downstairs to get his milk that he asked for.

he warmed it up, just enough for taehyung and brought it to him.

"here, baby."

taehyung smiled at him, taking his pacifier out of his mouth and drinking his milk.

"come on prince, let's go."

taehyung grabbed his ipad, following jungkook down the stairs and to the car.

"come here, baby."

he picked him up, sitting him in his seat.

"ipad, dada, ipad," taehyung whined, reaching for the tablet that jungkook had.

"daddy knows, bubba. hold on, let me buckle you up."

he stopped, letting jungkook buckle him up.


"yes my love?"

"kisses please."

the male chuckled, kissing taehyung on his forehead before hopping down and closing the door.

he got in the car on his side and started it up, looking back at taehyung who was babbling to himself.

jungkook started playing one of taehyung's favorite songs, 'eyes off you' by prettymuch.

a/n: that song is good ngl

taehyung quietly sang the song, looking out of the window.

the older male chuckled to himself, looking back at the road.


"yes baby?"

"is taetae handsome?"

"yes he is, baby boy."

taehyung smiled, looking back out of the window.

"can daddy take his eyes off of bubba?"

"nope. he can't. bubba's too handsome." he replied.

he could hear taehyung giggling from the backseat, which was adorable.

"what's making you laugh little prince?" he asked, smiling a little.

"daddy's funny!"

"oh yeah? what did daddy do that made you laugh baby?"

"daddy sent jimin a text message!"

"what did it say bub?"

taehyung laughed even harder, his face red.

"poop!" taehyung replied, laughing even more.

jungkook started laughing too, it was kind of funny.

"you were reading daddy's texts, weren't you bubba?"

he nodded, still laughing.

"little stinker, you're silly."

taehyung's mood changed quickly, and about an hour later he was crying.

he did not want to be in his stroller, and you could tell because he kept crying.

"bubba, shh, it's okay."

"dada taetae wants out!" he yelled, kicking.

"okay, dada will get you out in a minute."

he continued to cry while jungkook signed some of taehyung's papers for the pictures, whining even more when his daddy ignored him.

"kim taehyung, if you shake that stroller one more time, daddy's going to spank you."

"daddy's a meanie."

"daddy doesn't want you to get hurt, baby. what if you fall?"

he was right.

taehyung whined again before shaking the stroller again, making jungkook look at him with a stern look.

"what did i tell you, taehyung."

"y-you told t-taetae to s-stop."

"yes, and did you stop?"


"exactly. i'm gonna let it slide because you have pictures in a few minutes, but if you do it again, i'll spank you, and you don't like them, do you?"

"nuh uh."

"okay, sit down like a good boy."

"yes sir."
we love an obedient taehyung

tell me what you think or i'll make taehyung get ran over in the next chapter:

ily you guys, thanks for 7k💕 - Ashton😎

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