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taehyung woke up still in the hospital, confused.

he sat up, looking around.

"good morning taehyung." seokjin told him, waving.

taehyung raised an eyebrow, waving back.

"jungkook left to get my stuff for me, we'll be here a little longer."

taehyung nodded.

he noticed that his tiger was gone, so he was about to jump up, but seokjin made him sit back down.

"woah woah woah, you have to sit buddy. you don't want the needle to get snatched, so be careful."

he picked up the tiger, handing it to taehyung.

"there's your tiger."

taehyung swallowed, whining right after because his throat hurt from the breathing tube.

jungkook walked in, noticing that taehyung was awake.

"hi baby, do you feel better?"

he shook his head no as jungkook sat the bags down.

they were trying to hide the fact that taehyung would have some type of thing done, it was supposed to be done yesterday and it has nothing to do with his ears, just his eating problems.

he would have to do it for a week, which is why they were staying so long.

good thing it was a school break.

taehyung definitely didn't want it and to be strapped down until he couldn't move, getting a tube shoved down his nose sounded bad.

they just needed to run tests on his stomach contents, and after the week he could eat again.

jungkook sat beside him, rubbing circles on his back.

"we'll be going somewhere in the hospital room in about twenty minutes. your parents are on their way, and jimin, namjoon, and yoongi."

taehyung nodded slowly.
"okay taehyung, are you ready to go?" the doctor asked.

taehyung shrugged as she unlocked the hospital bed, every one else behind him as they walked to the new room.

they got into the giant elevator, not too squished but somewhat.

"is this his first time getting this?" the doctor asked taehyung's parents, who nodded.

"poor kid." yoongi mumbled, shaking his head.

"if i were taehyung i'd be making a run for it right now." jimin told everyone, making them chuckle.

except for taehyung, because he didn't care.

they walked down the hall, going into the room.

yoongi helped jungkook sit everything down, and everyone left the room except for mrs. kim and jungkook.

"okay taehyung, lay down."

he obeyed, laying down and letting the man strap him down.

he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and jungkook noticed, holding his hand to calm him down.

the man brought out a tube, sitting it on the small table beside taehyung.

everyone else watched from outside, a little too scared to be in the room because it looked painful.

"you're okay, baby's doing so good," jungkook softly told him, keeping him calm.

taehyung got a little scared when the man put the tube up to his stomach, measuring something.

"such a good boy, look how brave my tae baby is."

taehyung looked around, seeing some doctors surrounding him.

he marked the end of the long tube with a marker, then dipping the end of it into a small packet, taking it back out.

"okay taehyung, i'm gonna need you to swallow."

as he held the tube up, getting ready to insert it, taehyung got scared.

"kookie...." he whined.

"shh babes, kookie's here."

jungkook held his hand as the man started pushing the tube in.


he swallowed, his gag reflexes kicking in, coughing.

"you're okay, keep swallowing."

taehyung continued swallowing, still coughing.

"i got you baby boy. once it's over i'll cuddle you."

he coughed until his face turned red, and eventually they made it to the line, and stopped.

"see? all done." jungkook told him, playing with his hair to get him calm again.

"alright, so now taehyung i need you to sit up."

they got the straps off of taehyung, and jungkook helped him sit up.

the man got a syringe with air, and put a stethoscope up to his stomach as he pushed the air into the tube.

"good job bubs," jungkook told taehyung, who had his eyes somewhere else, not even paying attention anymore.

the man used the syringe to suck stomach contents into the syringe, and he put it on a strip and used a color chart to see if it was a normal color.

they got some type of clear sticker and moved the tube, putting over taehyung's ear, making him whimper.

"i'm sorry, i forgot you had ear surgery."

they used the clear sticker to keep the tube in place, and taehyung could go.

"you did so good babes."

he wanted jungkook to carry him, so of course he did.

but, one good thing about the torture taehyung went through is...

no tears this time.

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