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it had been a few days since taehyung's scans, and it's only went downhill since then.

now, taehyung had no energy. he didn't want to eat or do anything at this point. just stay in jungkook's arms until he couldn't.

jimin was with them now, spending the nights at their house to help jungkook keep taehyung comfortable until they had to be admitted back into the hospital.

jimin hated seeing this. his best friend slowly losing himself as his boyfriend died. it broke his heart.

but he was there, and promised to always be there. even through the bad.

he rubbed circles on jungkook's back, not saying a word. they were just in silence, all three of them together.

jungkook wanted to scream. to cry and ask god why?? he was never really religious but now he was really wondering. why his special boy?

he was silent. just holding taehyung.

he could feel his heart beating, his small little breaths. it was almost over.

jungkook let out a sigh, feeling taehyung start to twitch in his hold.

another seizure.

he quickly moved taehyung to the floor, putting a pillow under his head as he jerked more violently.

he timed the seizure, carefully watching taehyung to make sure nothing bad was going to happen.

jimin watched, seeing no panic in jungkook's eyes, only fear and hurt.

"i think we might have to go back to the hospital a bit earlier than i expected. we're losing him jimin."

that night, taehyung was admitted.

his mother was on her way from her vacation, and taehyung's sister even came to join the three to keep them company for a few hours.

she felt sadness too, more of guilt. she was so mean to taehyung, and treated him like shit. when they were younger she used to tell him to die, and now that he really is, she regrets every word.

the dying process is never pretty, but taehyung looked at peace.

he was sleeping, slow breaths leaving his lips. he looked beautiful, although he was reaching the end.

later on that night, jungkook got to hold taehyung. it made his heart feel so full, to be able to just hold him. it's exactly what he wanted.

he watched taehyung sleep, gently playing with his hair and pressing soft kisses to his lips. he loved taehyung so much, and adored him.

"such a strong boy. my hero, i'm so proud of how far you've gotten." he felt his eyes brimming with tears, and unlike the other times, he let them fall.

jimin and taehyung's sister left the room, giving him alone time with taehyung.

he felt a pain unimaginable. this was breaking him, crushing his heart.

seeing taehyung attached to all the wires, a nose cannula in his nostrils. it was sad, really fucking sad.

jungkook tried to hold it together, just for taehyung.

"i'm so sorry baby." he spoke, petting his head gently as he began to cry.

he couldn't believe it.

these were his last moments with taehyung, and it wasn't supposed to happen so soon.
short chapter, trying to wrap the book up right now. thanks for so much love!

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