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taehyung woke up to his pants soaked, and it was uncomfortable.

he whined as he sat up, confused as to why his pants were all sticky.

jungkook was still sound asleep, the blanket covering his shirtless body.

"daddy?" he gently shook the man, not trying to scare him.

jungkook stirred before turning over to look at taehyung.

"what's wrong babe, daddy's tired."

"daddy there's a wet spot on my pants."

jungkook sat up, running his fingers through his hair before replying.

"did you have an accident?"

taehyung got silent and his face turned red.

jungkook already knew what it was, he could hear taehyung moaning in his sleep.

"come here, come talk to daddy," he told him, patting his lap.

taehyung sat in his lap, his hair covering his eyes.

"what was your dream about, hm?"

taehyung turned a dark red now, very embarrassed.

"did you dream about me?"

he nodded slowly.

"okay, what was i doing in your dream?"

"you were touching me."

"oh? really? how was daddy touching you, sweetheart? was he making you feel good?"

taehyung nodded.

"and you liked it, right? is that why you have a little problem?"

taehyung looked at him in confusion.

"is my baby having wet dreams?"

taehyung shrugged.

"it's okay sweetheart. it's normal."

taehyung hugged jungkook, whining.

"it hurts."

"i know you're not ready yet prince, so do you want to take a cold shower? it might make you feel better."


"yes, baby?"

"taetae feels yucky."

"you feel yucky? well, let's get your clothes changed then."

taehyung changed his clothes, and his problem went away so they didn't have to take a cold shower.

they got back in bed, and taehyung cuddled up to jungkook.

"you can't go to sleep without your paci, right?"

he turned to the nightstand to grab the pacifier and it's clip, turning back to taehyung.

he clipped it to his shirt and placed the pacifier in his mouth.

"night night, baby boy."

"night night dada."

A/N: lmao i'm sorry-
it was the next day, and taehyung was not very happy.

he got out of therapy crying, and jungkook didn't know what was wrong.

"shh, it's okay love." he told him, kissing his forehead.

"can you tell me what's wrong bubba? hm?"

"you- she- i-" he couldn't get the words out, he was crying too much.

"it's okay babes. take your time."

it took a few minutes, but taehyung's crying turned into soft sniffles, so he could talk.

"you wanna tell me what's wrong now baby?" he asked, rubbing circles on his back to get him to calm down.

"i didn't pass dada.."

"you didn't pass what? you didn't improve?"


taehyung broke down again.

"shh muffin, daddy's here."

"i'm not smart.."

"yes you are. don't say that bub."

he rocked him for a bit, until taehyung got super relaxed.

"do you want to take a bath? i can get you some warm milk and you can take a nap."

"yesh please."

so, taehyung ended up in the bath, hating it.

while jungkook cleaned him up, he whined about the soap.

"i'm almost done baby." he told him, putting the water on his head.

and as soon as he was done, he lifted taehyung out of the water, wrapping a towel around him quickly.

taehyung whined, because he was freezing.

"it's cold, i know."

and taehyung didn't like that at all, he started crying, and it made jungkook sad.

"aww, you're cold, aren't you? shh, it's okay little one."

he carried taehyung to his bedroom, laying him down on the bed.

he grabbed his diaper, putting it on him and ruffling his hair.

"someone's sleepy."

he put the pajamas on, kissing sleepy taehyung while he did so, so he wouldn't cry.

he carried taehyung downstairs, grabbing his sippy cup and filling it with milk, putting it in the microwave.

taehyung stayed silent while he waited, too sleepy to say anything.

jungkook took it out of the microwave, handing it to him.

"here you go love."

taehyung started drinking it as they walked back up the stairs, and he fell asleep a few minutes later.

he laid him down, ruffling his damp hair and kissing him goodnight.

he left the room, going downstairs to find something to do until his little boy woke up.
sup guys😎
I'm sorry for not putting any chapters out! I was taking a mini break but I'm back and I'll post two new chapters later tonight as an apology.

tell me what you think or i'll delete this book (just kidding):


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