Chapter forty seven - Christmas special.

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Finally, Christmas day had come. Snow fell from the sky and hit the concrete lightly as the faint noise of children laughing could be heard as they built a snowman outside. We all sat at the dining table- by we I mean me, Sherlock, Billy, Daisy, Mrs Hudson, Mary, John and Amelia. Yep, John was finally released from hospital nearly two weeks ago. He was told to have a lot of rest and to take it easy. Mrs Hudson and Mary held two plates of food in their hands, placing the plates at the table before picking up two more plates and giving them out. I smiled and laughed with Billy as he told us all the stupidest joke ever, and there was a slight cinnamon scent that drifted through the air as Mrs Hudson baked her finest Christmas desert in the oven. These are the moments I enjoy best, when we all join together and forget about the crappy stuff that had been going on.

Mary and Mrs Hudson finally sat down at the table and we all started to eat our cooked Christmas dinner. We all laughed and shared memories, and at one point we all joked around with Sherlock, calling him the Grinch (John started it) then Sherlock decided to chuck a cracker at John, and even Sherlock laughed at that.

Mary was also feeding Amelia who was sat in her high chair, and the rest of us was still finishing off the rest of our dinner.

"I would just like to make a toast," Billy started, smiling at us all. I raised by brow and waited for him to continue, "Meeting Sherlock had changed my life, and I will surely miss staying here with him and Holland. Thank you all for bein' so nice."

Mrs Hudson and Daisy let out an 'aw' while the rest of us all clapped and smiled at him. Then, Billy raised his wine glass in the air, causing all of us to do the same, then we all said "To Billy!"

"And," Mary starts, "Another toast. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!"

"Merry Christmas and a hapy new year!" We all cheer, raising our glasses once again. Amelia attempts to copy us by raising her baby bottle but knocks it over in the progress as she didn't have a strong grip just yet. John lets out a laugh and takes her out her high chair, sitting her on his lap and making her laugh while Mary picked her knocked-over bottle up of the floor.

"So, have you found a place?" I asked, taking a sip of my champaign.

"Yeah, I'll be stayin' with Daisy." He said, looking at Daisy and smiling while she smiled back.

"Well, I suppose, for a Christmas present, it's only right that you take Chester."

"Really?" Billy's eyes lit up with happiness, and I let out a little giggle and nodded.

"Hell yeah. Where is that lil guy anyway?"

"Uh..." Billy started, looking under the table. I did the same and saw that Chester was licking the gravy and leftovers off Billy's plate. I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"Whatever, he's your problem now. Don't let Mrs Hudson see Chester doing that."

"Doing what, dear?" Mrs Hudson asked, over-hearing hearing her name being said. Me and Billy looked at each other before letting out a laugh. Me and Billy may argue often, but he was a good friend, and he was a friend that I would miss. 

"Nothin'." Billy assured her, turning his attention to Daisy and engaging a conversation with her. I smile and look around, catching Sherlock's stare. He just smiles at me and looks away, saying something to John who was talking to him back. Today was a good day. I woke up to Sherlock playing his violin, opened presents from Mary, John, Billy and Mrs Hudson. Tried to get Sherlock to kiss me under some mistletoe which didn't work, but it was still great fun trying to. I helped Mrs Hudson cook Christmas dinner and helped to make deserts, then Mary, John and Amelia came over, then Daisy, and we all helped to set out the table. I know, it all sounds very dull and boring, but we all talked and laughed and joked. It's what made today so fun.

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