Chapter 18

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It felt so natural to Mew that he didn't realize what he just said.

"that's not important Gulf. Did you hear what I just said?"

Just then Mild came back to the parking lot to check for Mew. It had been a while since the security personnel had finished delivering groceries and he hadn't come up.

He saw Gulf and Mew staring at each other. He didn't like it one bit.

"what's going on here?" he asked as he went to stand right in front of Mew to check for symptoms.

"are you ok?" he asked Mew gently to which Mew just nodded.

"I'm ok. We were done with our conversation I was about to come up." Mew accepted Mild's hand and squeezed it, and all this was in Gulf's eyes.

"p'Mew I have something to say," Gulf panicked when he realized Mew was going and he grabbed his other hand.

"let go of that hand this instant." Mild demanded, gritting his teeth to control his temper.

Gulf did as instructed and took a step back. He had so much going on and his head was heavy. Maybe today was not the day. He would try to meet Mew somewhere without Mild.

Mew and Mild continued to the elevator and as Mild was about to close the door, Gulf pressed the button and it opened.

"I'm also going up," he said as he went to stand beside Mew.

Mew was surprised by how calm he had been, how he was able to hold a conversation without voices ringing in his head. He was proud of himself and somehow Mild noticed it.

"congratulations on your wedding by the way," Mild said as they were going up in the elevator. "when is your wedding day?" he asked.

Gulf shyly replied "it's the last Saturday of this month."

"what a coincidence," Mild said turning to look at Mew. "We have an event going on at that same day. I'm sure you must've heard from your company as it was invited."

"yes we heard today,"

"that's great. Too bad you won't be able to attend. Right MJ?" He was really forcing it.

Mew just nodded his head and looked away.

Mew started thinking about Gulf's wedding. He had seen Gulf's fiancé who had a familiar aura when they met. They were getting married. It was then that everything sank in. It felt like he was being rejected once again.

He faltered.

He lost his balance for a moment. Immediately Mild was holding him. Gulf turned around to see Mew in Mild's arms. He wanted to help too. He wanted to be the one beside Mew.

"We're almost there, hang in there buddy" Mild whispered to Mew as he saw he was at the edge of a panic attack.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong? Is there anything I can do to help? Gulf asked concerned.

"Just don't do anything." Mild was just infuriated. "Please." It was no fun seeing Mew suffer. The elevator dinged for Gulf to leave and he did so hesitantly.

He was worried. He was really worried, but he exited the elevator.

He got to the door of his apartment but wouldn't go in. it was certain; something was wrong with Mew and he had to know. He went back to the elevator. He was lucky the security hadn't restored settings, so he was able to access the last floor. When he got there, he went to the nearest door and knocked. Mild had given Mew some medication and was getting ready to prepare them dinner when he heard a knock. Afraid that Mew might wake up, he rushed to the door and opened it.

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