Chap 6 A Mystery Package

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"A journey with a thousand miles begins with a single step "

Aliyan was surprised by the sudden announcement by Shees that they will be going on dinner at Siddique's.

Many questions popped in Aliyan's head which Shees could tell by his bewildered face but he said he would tell him everything later or when the time was right.

Aliyan didn't want to pressure him too because something changed in Shees.

They looked at the walk clock and saw that they don't have much time to get ready so they just rushed to their rooms to see if there is something they could wear.

While getting ready Aliyan was thinking about what would be Emaan's reaction to see them there because of the heated argument they didn't leave a good impression on her.

He just brushed off all the thoughts and went to shower as he was not the one guilty.

Around 8 o clock, they arrived at Siddique's villa.

Mr. Siddique was out there to receive them which was quite shocking for both of them. One thing was cleared that Emaan didn't tell him anything yet.

Aliyan and Shees shook hands with him and went inside.

Shees was impressed to see the villa as it was designed so majestically .

The white and brown combination of the interior looks so marvelously done that he wanted to buy a villa and designed it like that.

They sat on the sofa when Mr. Siddique's wife came with the tea trolly. Although they have so many workers, Mrs. Siddique loves to do it by herself.

They chit-chat a lil in between. Mr. Siddiqui told him about the stupidest things he and his father had done when they were in University.

Surprisingly Shees was laughing and enjoying listening to those adventures. He was like a small child who would love listening to any story that includes his parents.

Aliyan was happy seeing his buddy a lil relaxed after so many years.

After having tea, the maid came to tell them that the dinner was ready so they went to the dining table.

They sat showing back to the door from where Emaan could only see their back and hair perfectly done.

They look quite young. She thought.

Emaan was wearing a pink color Shalwar and Kameez (Pakistan traditional attire) while her hair was straightened a lil with natural makeup.

She was looking elegant and lovely. That's what Shees thought when she came in front of him.

Just one glance and he was down or you could say his heart was ready to come out in excitement. There was a strange feeling in his stomach.

When she was pulling her chair back to sit down, her eyes met with Shees. She stopped right there.

Emaan was appalled to see him in her house on her table.

Shees totally forgot about Emaan. So when she parted her lips to say something Shees stood up abruptly and drew out his hand.

"Hello! Miss Emaan, Nice to meet you again. How are you?". He spewed out in such an awkward tone that it was hard for Aliyan to control his laugh.

Shees knew that if Emaan told them about what happened between them on their first meeting he would be surely getting kicked out of this house.

Emaan really wanted to ask him what he was doing here after all that drama but seeing her father so happy she just kept herself quiet.

"Walaikum Aslaam! I'm good Mr Shees. What a pleasant surprise to have you here". Emaan said sarcastically and sat down without shaking hands.

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