Chap 5 The After Effects

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Emaan went straight to the washroom and started to perform wudhu, then offered her Asar prayer.

After talking to Allah, all her anger flew away like a balloon and she felt relieved.

Emaan was still confused about what Shees was talking about tricks. This was her first time meeting him. Why would he say something so inappropriate about her father?

Emaan came out of thoughts when someone knocked at the door.

"Yes! Come in". Ma'am you have a call.

Ok give it to me and tell everyone to go home early. We are done today.

Emaan took the cell phone with a smile .


"WALAIKUM ASLAAM! Baba ki Jaan (my beautiful daughter). How's my lil princess doing? Did you eat something? You miss me, right ? I miss you a lot here. Everything is boring without you. I'm thinking we should come here for summer vacation with Daniyal's family. What do you think?" She heard him saying it?

Emaan was smiling all this while on her Father's caring nature until her father brought up Daniyal's name.

Daniyal was her father's "Friend" son. He ran his own textile company. He was independent and was earning a good amount of money that is why Emaan's parents thought that Daniyal would be the best option for their daughter. She will be happy with him.

Emaan knew that her parents wanted her to get engaged with Daniyal. Although she had a firm belief that after ALLAH her parents would always do the best for her. But she always had this feeling about Daniyal that somewhere something was wrong but she neglect that feeling.

"I'm doing great Baba and I'm not feeling hungry so I haven't eaten anything yet but i think after talking to you I should grab something to eat. And I miss you a lot too. When u will be back we'll discuss this vacation plan too".

I think I have answered all your questions.

Both chuckled on Emaan's baby tone.

Yeah and you did an amazing job in answering sweetie. Mr Siddique said while laughing.

"Oh btw, where are you right now? Are you with Shees? Invite that gentleman to come for dinner this Thursday. Let me apologize properly for not being there".

Emaan totally forgot about the deal and Shees.

Emaan was arranging words to tell him about the situation here when her father said that he'll be in Pakistan on Wednesday, now he gotta go as he someone called him.

They said Allah hafiz to each other and dropped the call. Now it's real time for Emaan to get anxious.

Hotel room.

Aliyan had noticed that Shees had been acting strangely for the past three days.

Wherever Shees went, he was always lost in his thoughts and that emerald green eyes girl always appeared in front of him. He was angry at himself for thinking about Emaan even after knowing that she was a gold digger.

Aliyan was trying his best to find a new location for their resort but all in vain.

He looked towards Shees, who was in his own world.

"If you are done thinking about what you did with Miss Emaan, then can we work? Because of your stupidity, I can't lose this project". Aliyan almost growled.

When Shees heard Emaan's name, he looked around.

Where... Where is Emaan?

Aliyan was surprised by his reaction because he was acting like he lost his lover at a festival or something similar.

Shees darling are you alright? Aliyan checked Shees temperature and mumbled to himself that nothing's wrong, then told Shees to open his mouth and acted as a doctor and the funny thing was that Shees was doing everything that Aliyan said.

He took a pen and wrote something in his journal. He tore that piece of paper and gave it to Shees.

Shees also in a confused state took the paper from Aliyan's hand.

When Shees read the paper, he threw a cushion towards him which he caught perfectly.

"WHAT!" Aliyan said with the serious face.

Shees showed him the paper on which was written that " YOU LIKE MISS EMAAN RIGHT BUT I WON'T SHARE YOU WITH HER" and asked him.

"What's with this nonsense? Where did Emaan come from? We have piles of work to do and here you are messing around".

Shees knew he was caught red-handed and Aliyan wouldn't let him live with his bundles of questions so he uttered in a serious tone.

Aliyan cleared his throat and said:

"I was also talking about work but you were in your fantasy world. And if I'm correct, you were thinking about Miss Emaan. I remember the way you looked at her when we met at the site. Now! Spill the beans buddy".

Since childhood Aliyan could read Shees mind, that's why he would always be careful around him.

"No! Aliyan, I did not like Miss Emaan and stopped with your foolish questions".

Shees wanted to keep this strange feeling to himself as he was not sure what was wrong with him. Suddenly Shees phone rang.

He was shocked to see the number. It was none other than Mr Siddique.

Shees took his time to pick up the call.

"Hello young man! How are you doing?" Mr. Siddique said cheerfully.

Shees was confused by Mr Siddique honey tone because he remembered the last conversation he had with Emaan was not good at all. He didn't know what to reply when Mr. Siddique continued:

"Well, I called you because I wanted to invite you for dinner as I was not there when we were signing the contract and it would be a pleasure to have such an outstanding person on our table. I hope you will join us today and I want to talk about Farhat as well".

Shees was shocked to hear his father's name from Mr Siddique.

"Sir, how did you know about my father?"

Shees said in a very calm voice but he was startled because the accident of his parents was a mystery he was trying to solve secretly.

'Well "Young man!", Your father and I were university buddies. But your father left the university without a word and he didn't in touch with anyone after that. Your father was really a fine man'.

Shees didn't know how to respond.  He didn't know when his tears started cascading down his cheeks.

He really loved his parents and when he heard that someone was talking about them after so long he couldn't stop himself from tearing up.

"I am about to board on plane. We will talk about other things on the table "Young man". He said it and declined the call.

Whereas Shees could only say one word and that was "OKAY".

Emaan was coming out of the clothes changing room when she saw her father on the door.

"ASALAM-O-ALAIKUM Baba! When did you arrive? And why are you standing there baba, Come inside? She said it heartily.

Mr. Siddique nodded with a smile and stepped inside.

"In the evening Baba's Jaan and I'm here to talk about something so I won't take your much time and will get on point. Today some guests are coming for dinner. I hope you can take out some time from your work and join us". He asked because he wanted to introduce her to his best buddy's son.

"Don't worry Baba I'll be on time". Emaan said with a smile.

Mr. Siddique patted her head with love and went outside.

What would be Emaan's reaction when she sees Shees on the table?

Hey fam👐 I'm back with a new chap❤ I hope you guys like it ❤ plz vote and comment 💕

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