Chapter 2 All About Emaan

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Emaan, a 23-year young talented girl with a bold and sensible attitude, caring, friendly, and very optimistic.

She had this strong faith in "ALLAH" that "HE" would surely do best for her.

Emaan was occupied working on a project when her father came with a cup of coffee.

ASALAM-O-ALIAKUM Baba! She said without turning her head.

Her father smiled because only she know that it was him just by hearing the footsteps of her Baba.

Emaan stop whatever you are doing and sit down here. He uttered with a fatherly smile and patted at the sofa.

She whined to let her finish her work but in front of his caring Baba she had to put down her weapons which were her puppy eyes.

Emaan stood up and sat near him while taking the coffee cup from his hand.

What's wrong baba? You looked worried. Is everything alright? Emaan wiggled her brows and took a sip from the cup.

Emaan tomorrow our clients are coming to see the site but something urgent came up in London so I have to rush there. I want you to receive them because they are our important clients. Make sure you tell them about the tree area.

Don't worry baba, I won't let them grumble about it. Emaan and his father chuckled as she assured him that nothing was wrong going to happen. She would handle it.

That's my baby. He patted her head with love.

Even though Emaan had piles of work, making her parents happy was always her top priority.

Btw what were you doing in that important files of yours? Her father asked curiously because for two weeks she had been nowhere to be found.

Nothing Baba just planning the wedding. This time I want everything to be perfect as our company is going to step into the International industry. She chimed just by thinking about it.

MashaAllah! That's great. Till I come back from London I'll do lots of promotions there about my daughter's work. How's that?

Indeed you're the best Dad in the world. Emaan hugged him with a large grin.

They were happy living in that moment but what was going to happen tomorrow only Allah knows.

Emaan went back to her room and set the alarm for 5 AM. She put the quilt on and started to sail her ship in dreamland.

Exactly 5 minutes before the alarm rang, she woke up as usual. Emaan smiled at clock then went to the washroom to perform wudhu.

Emaan offered her fajr salah and put her hands up for dua:

"Ya ALLAH! please forgive all my sins that I've committed, Protect me from evil, I'm nothing without YOU. Always shower countless blessings on me and on my parents. Always show me the right path. Never let me disappoint YOU and my parents. (ameen)"

Emaan stood up, folded the musallah, and went for a morning walk. When she came back, her mother was already in the kitchen making her favourite omlet.


Emaan's mother smiled as she gave her a tight back hug.

Walaikum aslaam my Lil princess, tell me what do you want to eat?

Anything is fine mom. I have an important meeting today so please mom pray that I get this deal. She was excited about it.

You will surely crack this deal, done "Allah is always with you ". Emaan mother gave a lil pat on her head.

Thank you, mom, you're my motivation, I love you a lot, Emaan uttered cheerfully.

She always ate her food with her family. It's her way of showing love and affection towards them because nowadays people don't even meet their parents on occasions and got busy in their lives like there was no one left behind.

After eating the delicious breakfast made up by her beautiful mother, Emaan took a shower and then started to get ready to meet the clients of her Baba.

She put on some make-up and grabbed her formal attire from the wardrobe.

When Emaan came out of changing room she looked at the clock, there's still one hour left. She looked in the mirror one more time and then went towards the porch.

On her way to the site Emaan didn't know what Allah had planned for her.

"Nonetheless HE is the best of planners"

So the wait is over! New Chap 🙌

How's the story going till now guys 😍 I hope you guys like this chap alot ❤

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P.s the next few chaps will be intense so stay tuned ❤

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