Chapter 18

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Emily P.O.V
~Three years ago~

"Alexandra!" I yell out her name from my room. She storms in my room looking at my white dress that I was going to graduate in. She smiles and hugs me. Her pregnant stomach stopping me from pulling her into a tighter hug.

"You look beautiful." She says twirling my hair in one place then letting it bounce.

"Emily sweat pea are you ready!" I hear my mom yell from down the hallway. I look at my sister who holds her hand out and guides the way through the hallways.

Chance was in a tux with roses in his hand. They watched as I walk down the stairs. The out of nowhere Kaiden shows up besides Alexandra. I walk over to Chance and hug him, as always he hugs me back and gives me the roses.

"Thank you. Roses are my favorite flower." I say sniffing the fresh rose.

"Well let's get going, we don't want Megan to wait to long." I smile and get in the back of the car. Alexandra gets in the back with me and with Kaiden. He seems like a nice guy when you know him.

The drive there was filled of laughter and jokes made by Kaiden and Chance. Once I got there I spotted Megan and two of her other friends, but the one that stood out was the boy from the park and barbecue. He also is the one that stole my first kiss.

"Emily! Congratulations!" Megan says hugging me. She pulls back and looks behind at Justin.

"He kinda force me to bring him, so if he bothers you just let me know." She says walking over to Chris I think his name was. She left me alone with the guy I got butterflies from. He smirks and hands me a flower from behind his back. It was a rose.

"I figured every girl likes roses." He says handing it to me. I blushed and looked down and took the rose from his hands.

"There my favorite kind of flowers." I blush looking down at it while I twirl it.

"Thank you." I say looking back up at the high school who had brown hair and brown eyes.

"You look beautiful too." He says tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I blush even more has he does so.

"Emily! Come over here!" Chance yells from the other side of the walkway. He noticed me talking to him of course he did.

"Sorry that's my brother." I scoff looking over at Justin.

"I'll see you later though." I say waving my hand at him walking away. Chance rolls his eyes pulling me in for a family photo.

"Who's that boy?" He asks like the overprotective brother he is.

"She kisses him! She's growing up Chance give her a break." My sister says having my back hanging on his shoulder.

"You kissed him!" He yells at me making sure no one else hears it. I hesitated about nodding my head but I did. I turn back around to Justin who was already smirking at me. He winked and went back to his conversation with Megan.

"Big brother please stop being overprotective he's a nice guy." I say shrugging my shoulders holding up the flower he gave me.

"He gave you that?" My sister squeals taking it from me.

"You need to frame that on your wall." My sister laughs punching my brothers shoulder. He doesn't laugh he just scoffs and walks away. I just roll my eyes at him and walk to the stage.

I remembered that moment where Justin was there for my graduation. He never seemed to go away after that.
Thank you for reading🙏❤️

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