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Emily P.O.V
Three years ago...

I smooth down my white short dress that only reached right over my knees. I look to make sure my makeup is still good.

"Em lets go." My sister says opening my door. She smiles and looks at my flower printed dress, that felt like it showed too much.

"Sorry, I was making sure my makeup was on point," I chuckle giving the ok sign with my hands. I smiled at her, then grabbed my phone and went out of my room.

Today if you are going to ask is the barbecue at my cousins high school. She was my best friend, so she invited me and my family. She was two years older then me, when I am only in eighth grade, but graduating in a month.

My sister is driving us there, while I play with Jeffery. He was a cheerful kid, that never got mad. He didn't throw fits about food, or really anything. We pull up at the big school, that would be my school in the next few months.

I don't really think I am ready to go to high school, but I kinda have too. I laugh to myself at the thought. I hold onto the end of my dress trying to look for Megan. She had red straight hair and freckles.

I tried to ignore the cute boys and annoy girls laughing at them. I stand on my tiptoes trying to look for her. Then someone touches my waist slightly. I thought it would be by accident, but I guess it wasn't.

I turn around to see a brown hair and brown eyes guy smiling down at me, with his friends right next to him. I see Megan in the cornering of my eye, walking towards me.

"Justin leave her alone." She whines throwing her arms around me. I fall back into her touch, but I don't look away from Justin, I think his name was. He rolled his eyes at her, turning around saying something to his friend.

"What's your name?" He raises his eyebrows at me, looking me up and down noticeably. His charm was one of a kind, I couldn't resist.

"For God sake Justin she's in eighth grade." Megan continues to say pushing me the other way towards her friends.

But I wanted to talk to him.

I turn my vision to him once more, he was looking at me with an amused look. His friend hit his shoulder making him turn around. I smile to myself at the feeling of like we already knew each other.

"So are you sure your in eighth grade?" Megan's friend Chris, I think his name was asked me.

I look at him and lean back in the bed of the truck along with all of her other friends. There had to be at least six of them sitting here.

"Yeah, but I'm graduating next month and I'll be going here." I nod my head looking around at the big school. I always wondered why they were so big, I guess now I know, there are so many students.

"Graduating next month, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The guy from early asks leaning on the truck, looking at me smirking. Everyone in the friend group looked at him like he was everything.

"Justin shut the fuck up." Megan laughs shaking her head. She takes a drink of her soda looking at me wiggling her eyes.

"Megan you seem to know this girl so well, what's her name?" Justin asks stepping up into the truck. He takes a seat next to me, making me swoon as he puts his arm over me.

"Emily." I say looking over at him before Megan can speak for me. He looks over at me and licks kissable lips. Was he trying to hit on me?

"Well Emily you want to walk with me instead of staying with these losers." He laughs at what he says standing up, jumping out of the truck. He held out his hand for me to get out.

I look over at everyone with raised eyebrows. I didn't look at them for long. I just took his hand that sent shivers down my spine. I jump out of the truck, making sure my dress doesn't fly up.

"I'll see you later Megan." I wave at them before Justin wrap his arm around me and blocking my hand from waving at them.

"So you coming here next year?" He asks me looking at the crowd in front of us.

"Actually yeah. I am, but I'm nervous as hell." I laugh trying to contain my embarrassment from saying that.

"First year is always nerve racking, but as the days go by it's not that bad." He says sitting down on a bench that was next to the school, but was on the grass.

"I guess I shouldn't be that nervous, I know people here so.." I shrug my shoulders, leaning back on the bench.

"Well all the boys are going to go crazy." Justin says bluntly, not being embarrassed he even said that.

"I mean I'm practically all over an eighth grader." He chuckles rubbing his face smiling at me from the side. My face is probably a tomato maybe even redder.

"What year are you in?" I ask shaking off the very flirty comment he just said.

"First." He says leaning closer to me. Was he going to kiss me? I felt unsure I even wanted him to kiss me. But after a minute of him leaning in closer and my nose touching his, I wanted him to kiss me.

"Emily lets go!" My sister announces, ruining our moment. I roll my eyes and pull back. Justin smirks at me, then gets up.

He leaves without saying a word. Was he turned off by me now? I roll my eyes at my sister and shake my head.

"Really? A boy trying to kiss you already?" She asks laughing her head off. I walk right past her, trying to spot out Justin again, but I didn't see him. I gave up hope until I found him push me into the hard wall of the school.

He added his tongue into the kiss as I tilt my head to give him more access to kiss me. I run my hands through his hair and pull at it. His grip on my waist was possessive and need. His kiss sent electric feels in my body.

He pulls back looking into my eyes smiling. I felt like I was in a daze, like I didn't just have my first kiss with a ninth grader. He hands me a piece of paper and walks away.

I watched Megan and her friends laughing with each other, my sister dancing with her husband. I smile to myself and open up the note.

Meet me at the park tomorrow.

I look around finding him no where in sight. I swoon over the note and walk over to my sister's car. I was definitely going to the park tomorrow.

But someone should have told me the future.
Thank you for reading❤️
I hope you guys liked the first chapter.

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