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Jungkook opens The passenger door and helps a blindfolded Jimin step out. "Kookie, I feel like I'm gonna trip on something."

"I got you. You won't fall. If you do, I'll be right here to catch you." He holds one of Jimin's hands and slowly leads him around for about 15 minutes.

"You can take your blindfold off now."

Jimin does and looks around in wonder. "Where are we?"

"The Atlanta Botanical Gardens. You got so excited when I bought you flowers so I thought you might like it here."

Jimin gapes as he takes in his surroundings. "How are there still flowers? It's September."

"I don't know, but aren't they pretty?"

They walk around for about an hour or two looking at the different sculptures and flowers. Jimin is humming the whole time because he's so happy.

Jungkook stop him in a secluded area with a fountain and a bench. "Let's sit down for a while."

Jimin snaps out of his daze. "Oh. Okay. Are your feet tired from all the walking?"

"No, I just want to sit with you for a while."

Jimin sits down next to him and laces their fingers together. "Thank you for bringing me here... It's really pretty."

Jungkook smiles. "Not as pretty as you."

Jimin sighs. "I should've known that you were gonna say that. You're such a hopeless romantic."

"I think you like how romantic I am."

"I do. None of my exes were as romantic as you. It's refreshing."

"So, Sangjun's birthday is coming up on the 17th and I asked him what he wants. He said a few toys and stuff, but he said his biggest birthday wish was already granted."

"What was it?"

"Me and you being together. He absolutely adores you. He's usually really stand-offish around people he doesn't know well, but he's liked you since the first day of school."

Jimin blushes and smiles. "He's a really nice kid so I'm glad he approves of us being together. I know how much his approval means to you."

"Not only does he approve of you, he's the reason we got together in the first place. He's never tried to set me up with someone."

Jimin giggles. "He was quite the little matchmaker."

"You're such a lovely person inside and out. You are the walking definition of perfection to me, so I bought you something to remind you of how special you are..." He pulls a medium sized jewelry box out of his pocket.

Jimin's eyes grow wide. "What?"

Jungkook opens it and Jimjn sees a dainty gold bracelet with a single gold heart charm on it. "You have such a kind and helpful heart and I cherish every second of every day that I get to spend with you."

Jimin blushes harder and tears up slightly. "Really? You think so?"

"I know so." He puts the bracelet on Jimin's wrist and smiles. "It suits you."

Jimin gives him a kiss. "Thank you... I love it..."

"I love you."

"I love you too."





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