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Jimin wakes up at 6am and slips out of Jungkook's arms slowly so he doesn't wake up too. He tip toes around and grabs his bag and his clothes before going to the bathroom and taking a shower.

When he gets out and gets dressed, he grabs his keys and head towards the door but stops when he hears noise coming from the kitchen.

He walks towards it and sees Jungkook cooking. "I heard you taking a shower so I'm making you something before you go."

Jimin smiles. "You don't need to do that. Go back to sleep. I'll just grab something from Starbucks."

"I'm already half way through making the eggs and the bacon is in the microwave."

Jimin sets his bag down and walks over, giving Jungkook a kiss. "Thank you... You're really sweet."

Jungkook grins. "I just wanted to do something nice for you since you help so much with Sangjun."

"Do you think he's gonna tell his classmates that we're dating?"

"I don't know. If you ask him not to, he won't."

"Are you sure? He's told me a lot of secrets."

"But the thing is I didn't know he knew so I didn't ask him to not tell you. He's good at finding loopholes."

"Okay. I'll tell him it's top secret information."


Jimin walks into a 5th grade teacher's room. "Martha, to say that I am confused is a massive understatement."

"Uh... Good morning, Jimin. What are you talking about?"

"I'm dating my student's brother and it's so strange and I know the kid is gonna end up telling someone and then my kids will know I'm gay and then they're gonna ask me how gay sex works or something and then I'm gonna have to give them all the talk and they're 5. 5-years-old, Martha."

She laughs. "That was a lot to take in all at once. But, I have to ask, how old is his brother?"

"He's 21. I don't know why they have such a big age gap but they do."

"Probably reflects a time of trouble in their parents relationship."

Jimin gasps. "Martha, you fucking genius, that makes so much sense. Their parents are divorced so the dad probably got the wife pregnant and left before the 2nd kid was born."

"Why do you keep saying my name?"

"Well, Martha, I don't know."

"Okay. If the kid ends up telling someone, tell the kids that he was wrong. Does the kid like the idea of you dating his brother?"

"That's the thing, Martha. He set us up and he's super excited about us being together, so that's why I think he'll tell someone. If I have to explain tops and bottoms to my class, I'm gonna get fired."

"If the kid loves you, then tell him you might get fired if he tells someone. Tell him that being gay is frowned upon by some people."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. You should go back to your class before my students get here because I don't think they want to witness a rambling gay."

Jimin giggles. "Okay."



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