This isn't a Parent Teacher Conference

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The Destroyer

"I am so glad that both of you were able to make it."

It wasn't the smile that threw me off, it was the condescending tone of her voice. The sly nature of her whole being. And the conniving facial expression that just shook me from the inside out.

All that I know for a fact, is that something is wrong.

Well, when you tend to be lead in chains through a inter-dimensional wormhole, you expect to be brought to someone higher up in the triangle scheme than the one that led you in.

So when we were being led by a corrupted Sans, I was expecting to see someone from the same AU. The same corrupted universe. The same mysterious source of all this chaos. But I don't know if I could have ever expected to see who is standing in front of me right now.


The chains around my wrists remind me of the circumstances of this meeting. This Sans brought us here on purpose. Fate wanted us brought in chains. But why?

"Fate, what's going on?"

Ink asks, obviously in shock. Fate just ignores the question, but instead makes a gesture towards towards the corrupted Sans to let us out of the chains. We appear to be standing in her office, just the four of us. Her desk is cleared off of any items beside her marble nameplate, a blank white notepad, and a fountain ink pen.

The corrupted Sans looks at fate with a blank expression, and then executes her orders. She holds out a key, the same metal that the chains are composed of. The Sans then holds out his hand, palm up as she plops the key right on top.

He shambles over, as Ink holds out his bound hands. It takes a few moments as the chains are unlocked. The only sound that is being made in the room is the grinding sound of metal on metal. If I had been Fate's favorite, than find out that she had ordered me to be led in chains, I would be freaking out.

But Ink stays silent.

The Sans then comes over to me, as I hesitantly hold the cuffs out for him to unlock. It takes a second as he fumbles with the lock. But in that time, I could really take mental notes about him. He wears the same blue hoodie and slippers as all the other Sans do, but there are just constant glitches that pop up almost constantly.

They are different from my Errors, if anything it looks more like corrupted code.
But as he has to stand less than a foot away, I can see through the glitches splotches of something back and red on the white shir-

"Both of you, take a seat."

Fate says sternly. At this point her cold and sharp attitude is not unfamiliar to me. But I worry for Ink, since he dint know about this side of Fate.

But I guess there are a lot of things that he doesn't know about either.

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