A Clueless Consciousness

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The Creator

It doesn't take long for the panic to set it. But it does take me a moment to act on it. What is going on?

On the floor, is Error, he seems to be in worse shape than I am. Laying on his side, I see part a sleeve on his jacket completely burned away...to the bone. He appears to be unconscious, just as I once was. I am hesitant to go to him. I don't know what happened. For all I know he could have done all of this!

But what exactly did he do? I take a cautious step forward. Titling my head to get a better look at his condition, gives me an excuse to get a little closer. Empty eye sockets meet mine. And soon a shock inducing question jumps at me. What if he's dead?

Forgetting any self restraint, I stumble forward. My hands hover over him for a moment. A second of doubt hovers over my mind like a thick fog. But there isn't time think about this right now. Error has to know what happened.

I carefully shake his shoulder, careful of any injuries that he could have sustained. But...how did he get so beat up? I seem to only have some soreness, but he looks like he got hit by a bus. Confusion strikes again, and doesn't seem to release it's grasp on me.

Error seems to be completely out of it. And that doesn't surprise me. I was just as unconscious as him, and the Multiverse only knows how long I was gone. As I kneel down next to him, I check myself to make sure I am uninjured. I do seem to feel a little damp, and still smell like smoke. Why would I have been wet?

I stare at Error, laying on his side. I decide that it isn't the best position to sleep in, so I lay him on his back. This would be the perfect time to restrain him. But...this...this isn't a good time.

I relax my shoulders and slouch in a little. Tiredness sinks into my being, even if I had just woken up only a few minutes ago. I can't leave if I don't know where I am. If anything I'm trapped. I sit down next to Error and wrap my arms around my knees, resting my head on top. I guess I just have to wait.

Wait for him to wake up, get some answers, and then get out of here. No hassle, no problem. I do want to avenge all those AU's that he has destroyed over these last few years. But not like this...

I have enough problems on my plate right now, outside of all Error oriented issues. A ball of tension builds up in my stomach, a new source of worry comes into the scene. When will I get sick next? How long can I go without the vials?

How much time do I have left?

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