Fading Hope

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The Creator

"What do you mean?" I interrogate. How could he possibly know? He takes a deep breath in, his ribs expanding with the intake of air. But stifle out, do to the injury on his left side. "I saw black splotches in the snow," he starts, "I had my assumptions of what it could be and the main evidence for my theory is the little black goop that is still smeared on your face." He ends with a weak smirk.

Anger and embarrassment makes me avert my stare and quickly rub any remaining stains around my mouth. The rubbing starts off fast and harsh, but slows as I am able to think more about the situation. So, when I had made the portal to go into the new AU, that must have caused myself to 'black out.'

"I assume you already knew about this?" Error asks, adjusting his neck to look at me. I rest my arms on my knees, shifting at a slight angle away from him. "Yeah, but it's not important." I say, making way for further explanation to what has happened after I passed out. "What do you mean it's not important?! This is serious if it has caused you to go unconscious." Error argues, trying not to let go of the conversation.

"What happened after you found me?" I say instead of dropping the conversation, I threw the entire thing away. "Um well, when I saw that you weren't awake,I got us out of the burning forest that threatened to crush us at any given moment." He rushed through weakly, right hand on his stomach, the left still laying limply on the floor.

"I bet that the 'burning forest' was the cause of that." I say vaguely gesturing to his injured side. He catches on to what I'm saying and responds. "Oh yeah, that was from a giant flaming tree branch. Can't really feel my side." He says, taking in another shaky breath.

If only I knew healing magic...then I would be able to help him answer my questions a bit better. I could try to get him to a healer, but then again where would we find a healer in this place? Where is this place? "Wait, repeat what you just said." I say, directing my attention towards him, full of urgency.

"I can't feel my side?" He says, assuming that I have gone crazy. "No! Before that." I say quickly, trying to push past his confusion. "Um, there was a burning forest that was going to crush us at any given moment?" He offers, still confused. Okay, I should have assumed that he wasn't connecting the dots.

"You got us out of the 'burning forest that was going to crush us!'" I exclaim, trying to refrain shaking him back to his senses. If he got us out of there, then he must know where we are now! He remains silent. "Do you know where we are?" I ask, my hope fading every second he stays quiet.


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