Heavy Metal

354 28 3

The Creator

She doesn't move a muscle while the corrupted skeleton moves into action, staying completely silent prior til now. It was almost like he wasn't there. My mind continues to burry itself in questions that I am too scared to ask. What equipment will allow us to Reset? How did Error not destroy all of that AU? Why does Fate know this Sans? Why does he serve her? Why is this corrupted AU hurting the original?

Two metal helmets slam into the table, connected to several wires. A flutter of panic arrests my soul. What is this? Error looks at the equipment and then back at Fate. If I had thought I had seen him at his maddest, I was sorely wrong. Emotion flowed through every fiber of his being.

"What are we supposed to do with this?" Error asks, sounding disgusted at the sight of this mechanical helmets. "Get the DT too." Fate says, completely ignoring him. "Fate, don't do this." Error doesn't make it sound like he was negotiating. But it also doesn't look like Fate is here to bargain.

"Error? Fate? What is going on?" I ask, trying to break up the tension between Error and Fate, since neither of them are sharing the answers they hold. Neither of them bother to respond, acting as if my confusion is their last priority.

"Put the helmets on."

Fate makes it sound like the demand is directed to both me and Error, but as soon as it was said the Sans locks the helmet onto Error. I watch in startled horror when the strap around the chin automatically clicked together and locked. Error started shouting at Fate. Things about her being a liar and a traitor? Things about how she is not helping-

The weight of the helmet crashes onto my head. But before I had the chance to rip it off, the chin strap is firmly under my chin. I yank and pull, my breathing starting to get sporadic. But at this point I am in panic mode. The tightening anxiety around my chin and chest is numbing.

And Error is starting to really freak out. The constant shouting at Fate, while she keeps a cold smile on her face. It doesn't take long before he stands up, leaning across the table ordering her to take it off. But before he could do anything, before I could do anything, the Sans quickly maneuvers over to his side.

And injects him with a scarlet vial.

Every bone in my body freezes. The most intense of terror racking every particle of my being. Error crumples back into the chair, his head lolling forward. Silence is the only thing left in the room. I begin to feel defensive. Not only for my self, but for Error.

"What the hell did you do to him?"

I ask, almost shaking with tears. I don't know what's going on. I don't know why she is doing this. I thought she was on my side. I thought Error was the bad guy.

But who would have guessed that I would have been injected next?

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