Chapter 9

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The next day, the gang took the drone out to the coordinates that Big John left them. JJ was driving the boat (as he was the most experienced and skilled), John B was directing JJ on how to position the boat, Pope was obviously controlling the drone, Kie was dropping the drone in and Lydia was helping

"All right, JJ. Pin it here" John B yelled

"Roger that! X marks the spot" JJ replied

"To going full kook!" Lydia yelled

"To going full kook!" The replied

"JJ we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest" John B called

"100 feet" Lydia yelled, marking it with chalk on the side of the boat to help them remember how far down the drone was. Pope gasped, causing all the teens to get excited. Turns out, Pope had seen a squid

"And to quote The Hobbit, 'down, down, to Goblin Town. Down, down you go, my lad" Pope of course had to add his nerdy reference

"400 feet" Kie yelled. In the time that they had been out there, the winds picked up and it was evident that a storm was coming in.

"Guys, the tide's turning" Lydia yelled

"Hey, JJ. 10 seconds easy, south-southeast" John B instructed

"Copy that! Keep the tether out of the prop!" JJ yelled

"I'm working on it" Lydia said, gripping the tether, practically leaning overboard to try and guide the drone

"JJ keep going!" John B said

"700 feet!" Kie telled

The thunder crashed over them as the boat rocked with each swell moving past them

"JJ hold steady!" John B said

"900 feet!" Lydia yelled

"JJ, we'll turtle in this storm! Crank it north by northwest" John B called

"920!" Kie yelled

"Pope, how we doing?" John B asked

"Almost there" Pope replied

"There's too much current" Kie yelled

"We're gonna lose it!" Lydia added

"South, southwest, JJ! Hard" John B instructed

"What do you got, Pope?" Lydia asked

"Nothin'. A whole lot of nothin'" He replied

"You should be right above it. Kie how far?" John B said

"960! 970! 980!" She called

"I'm at the bottom!" Pope called

"JJ, steady here" John B called

"See anything?" JJ asked

The teens marveled at the sight in front of them, they had done it. They found the Royal Merchant. Their hopes were soon crushed as they realized there was no gold

"It's not there" John B sighed, "Just pull the drone up"

"Look, we can do another pass, recharge the battery" Pope suggested

"We've done it three times. There's nothing there" JJ quipped, frustrated

"Shut up!" Kie yelled, worried about John B

"What? It's true!" JJ replied

"The gold could be buried. We don't know" Lydia offered, trying to make it better

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