Chapter 39

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Waking up the next morning, I heard Demi in the room across trying to wake Val up. I stumbled out of bed, and went to help.

Val is hard to wake up every morning. Every sleep over we had, my house or hers, it was always a mission to wake her up. I don't know how her mom does it.

"Val, please get up. We leave in an hour" Demi begged the girl scattered on the bed. Her arms were spread out, her face was on its side with no pillow, one leg hanging off the bed, while the other was under the covers. I swear this girl moves to much. Shes the reason I sleep on the floor at sleepovers.

"I got this Dem" I said rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I put my glasses on and rammed myself on top of Val. "VAL! VAL! EARTHQUAKE! EARTHQUAKE! WE HAVE TO GO!" I yelled at her ear. She instantly flew up stumbling out of bed and running towards the door.

"We have to hide under the table!" I heard her muffle yell. That ment she was downstairs, probably trying to get herself under the table.

"Good job, but remind me to never have you wake me up unless its an emergency" Demi giggled. I shrugged walking back to my room to get ready.

My phone beeped after I came out the shower. I had to struggle with myself on getting my blade. But at the end, I threw it down the drain of the shower. I was ready to get my shit together.

Lolobear- Babe!! I landed. Miss you lots. Can't wait to see you :*

A grin eating smile spread across my face. I missed Lauren so much. I texted her back that I missed her to and a kissy face.

During the process of doing my hair, Valerie came into my room, with a smirk. I smiled a nervous smile, putting down my curling iron.

"Don't kill me, please. I had to wake you up" she walked over to me and pinned me on the floor. She straddled my waist looking at me dead in the eye.

Then when I least expected it, she tickled my sides. I squirmed around trying to breathe but also trying to get her the hell off me.

"D-Demi-i" I yelled when I finally got a good amount of air in my lungs. "Val! I-im going to P-pee!" I yelled again.

"Fine" she unstraddled my waist and pulled me up. Demi finally made her way into my room with my bat.

"What happened" she asked out of breath. Val and I laughed and shook our heads.

"Now you decided to come. I could have died" I said dramatically.

"OK now" Val rolled her eyes at me and looked at Demi. "I tickled her til she was about to pee for payback" Demi nodded and sat the bat down on my bed.

"Get ready. Max should be here in a bit" I went back to doing my hair, and Val went in her room. "Do you ever think about getting contacts?" Demi asked as my glasses fell from the bridge of my nose.

"Sometimes" She smiled and walked out of my room.

After we were done, Max arrived and made us go to the SUV. During the ride to the interview, we talked about Christmas, and what we will be doing.

Demi was going on about us taking pictures and ideas she has for us to wear. Red onsies. Which I think was a little weird, but cute.

"Val, your wearing one to, and your going to be in the picture" Val of course nodded. "Great. We have to go onsie shopping. So maybe after the interview, we'll go to moms, and then the mall"

An hour and a half after the interview, we made it to moms house. We walked in and said our hellos and got back in the car to go to the mall.

Maddie sat on my left while Valerie took my right, Dallas next to Demi, while momin the passenger seat, and Dad drove.

"I'm so tired. Can I sleep" Maddie whined. I nodded and let her rest her head on my shoulder. "Your comfortable" she mumbled.

"I've been told" I smiled thinking to text Lauren later. Valerie yawned and also rested her head on my shoulder.

Getting to the mall, we went to Macy's. Demi attacked the onsie rack, and started picking out some green ones and red ones.

"I think the red ones are better" Dallas and I said. Dallas smiled over to me and high fived me.

"Weirdos" Demi rolled her eyes grabbing all our sizes.

A/n: next update will be on Christmas maybe! I'm so happy I'm writing more! Comment for the next update if you want another! I feel like in the mood today. Love you guys!

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