Chapter 27

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Dani's Pov-

A small smile crept on her face and she stood up to sit on my lap. I was scared since nothing escaped her mouth. Not a word. But seeing her smile made me think the answer was yes and I couldn't help but feel butterflies forming in the pit of my stomach and working their way up to my chest, where my heart rate was picking up.

"Of Course" She whispered. She cupped my cheeks and brought my face closer to her. My vision was blurry and all I saw was fog which only cause her to laugh. "here, I got it" She removed my glasses and sat them on the table, after wiping them clean. "Can you see?" She asked.

"a little, but I'll be fine" She giggled making me blush. She cupped my cheeks, which I did the same. It looked like we devoured each others lips. I was still new to the whole kissing thing, so I let Lauren take over.

We spent an hour longer at the place and I decided to take her to the lake at the back of the cabin. The moonlight hit Lauren's eyes and skin perfectly. She smiled her contagious smile as she threw pebbles casing the still water to ripple the lake.

"So, what time is your game tomorrow"  She asked sitting on my Lap. I was seated on the only chair outside so she had no choice But to sit on me. But she didn't mind.

"At 12:30. So I suggest we go" Lauren pouted her lips shaking her head viciously. I laughed looking at her.

Its crazy how it hasn't hit me that i'm dating a girl. I always thought I'd grow up married, to a man, and maybe two kids. But no. I'm glad my mind changed though. Lauren seems to special to me to ever let go.

"it's still early" She whined cuddling her nose to my neck.

"I know, but if I go home early it's a greater chance that I'll fall asleep and not think about tonight. Cause if do, then I'll stay up thinking about you" She laughed playfully pushing my arm. "what? I need sleep to play tomorrow"

"okay" She dragged my hand and led me back inside the cabin. I helped her with Her sweater and we walked out where the carriage guy said he'll be waiting. I entwined mine and Laurens fingers when we sat comfortably on the carriage. She looked around and watched the forest trees passing by and the ocean coming into view. Her wavy Brown hair danced in the wind as I twirled a strand with my finger. She seemed relaxed.

We passed the ocean and into where Lauren and the girls lived.

"well here we are" We stood in front of her house looking anywhere but each other scared to blush. The carriage guy was gone when I turned to tell him he can go.

"Thanks for an amazing, incredible night that I'll never forget" She said. I nodded slightly and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"anything for you" She smiled and walked in her house leaving me with the most humongous smile ever.

Demi's small grey black car came into distance as I started my walk not bothering on waiting for her. As I sat in the passenger seat, Demi Asked what happened and that she wanted to know ever detail of the date. I sat back and told her the story not bothering if I was red from the parts of Lauren kissing me. Demi seemed so interested in the story and she was very happy for me.

"you know, I hope with Lauren and you being together, you won't want to harm yourself anymore" I had totally forgot all about my self harm problem. But the good thing is after telling Demi about it or her finding out about it just made me basically stop. so I haven't cut in almost a week. But I'm still insecure about my weight.

"I don't think you have to worry Demi" I said with a small smile on my lips. At a red light she caressed my cheek and tackled me for a hug.

When we made It home, Demi and I raced upstairs to see who get up there the fastest. I of course won leaving Demi to be the the sore loser.

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