Chapter 82

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I have always wanted to go to New York when I was little. I heard amazing things from my brother when he came to visit his dad. But now, I'm to tired to go on an adventure around Uniondale, New York. Maybe I will later.

Marcus, my brothers Dad, lives somewhere around here, and Evan decided to stay there and not get a hotel for whatever reason. I know that Marcus wants nothing to do with me. I'm basically the reason why my mom and him split. He didn't want an adoption child. Even if I didn't know I was adopted at the time, and i thought he was my dad, I quiet frankly don't give to shits about him.

"Demi?" I Yelled since she was in the living room section of the hotel room.

"What's up?"

"Evan Called, and wants me to go visit him and Ray. Can you come with me?" Instead of hearing answers, I heard footsteps. She jumped on the bed face first on the pillow and stretched out her arms and legs.

"Sure, but why not Lauren. I mean you guys have been inseparable? Not that I don't mind" She asked.

"I just want you to come with me. The person Evan is staying with is someone who probably hates me." I shrugged. "I rather have you there. Please?"

"You can count on me for anything" she sat up and kissed my temple. "When are we leaving?" She lightly smiled.

"Now I guess, I just want to spend as much time with Ray as possible before they leave again." She nodded and sat on the edge of the bed to put on her shoes.


"Call Evan so you don't have to knock, babe" Demi whispered perpexledly as we stood in front of Marcus's house. I stared at the front door waiting for some to come out.

"OK" I mumbled as my fingers danced on the letters on my phone screen. I texted Evan and awaited his message back.

"So who is this person, that doesn't like my sister?" Demi growled silently, but I still heard her.

"If he would have stayed in the picture, then he would have been my dad" I sighed.

"What happen?"

"I don't know. My grandma said that when I came home, he left. I was the reason he moved out and stuff. He never asked about me or anything." I shrugged and looked at Demi. She looked at her fingers.

"Im sorry Dani, but i hate your grandma" i laughed remebering the last time my grandma and Demi talked. It was tge day couple of days we stayed with Evan for the funeral. "I doubt that was the reason, Dan. But its his lost, cause he lost someone that could have been special in his life."

"I doubt that" I mumbled.

Evan- I'll have Ray open the door!

"Let's go. Rays going to open the door" I said enthusiastically.

We hopped out and skipped over to the door. Ray opened it and ran as soon as he notice who we were. He jumped on top of me wrapping one arm around my neck as his other wrapped Demi's in a massive hug.

"I miss you guys so much!" He screamed. I laughed at the little boy in mine and Demi's arms and set him down.

"And we missed you little guy" Demi went to his height level and took his hands. "How's school? Any girlfriends yet?" Demi giggled her innocent giggle and looked at him. I glared at her and ran my fingers thrown Ray's brown shiny hair.

"Just Camila and Dinah. Where are they" he chirped. I think I just had a heart attack. My baby thinks Camila and Dinah are his girlfriends. These are things an aunt like me does not want to hear in a million years, till maybe he's out of high school.

"You're giving Dani chest pains you know" Demi laughed causing Ray to join. I gave them a gloomy smile before Ray took us inside.

"KID!" Evan shouted getting up from the couch and picking me up. He twirled me around and squeezed the shit out of me. "And of course Demi!" He placed me down on the couch and did the same actions with my sister.

As Evan and Demi talked about how the tour has been so far, Marcus walked in and leaned his back on the wall. He stared intently at me. I averted my eyes Away from his direction, and scooted closer to Ray, who played on my phone.

"Dani, can I come with you when you leave. Please. I missed you" I pouted slightly and sat him on my laps.

"We have to talk to your dad, but if he says yes, then yes" he smiled brightly and rested his back against my chest so he was comfortable playing.

"Dad" Evan chirped. "This is Demi and Dani Lovato" He introduce. He nodded politely and walked over to shake our hands. When he got to me, I hesitated for a few seconds and looked at Demi. She motioned me to shake and I did.

"Its nice to meet you ladies" I sat back down instantly and placed Ray back on my laps.


"Seat belt Ray" I said as I opened the back door to a rental car that every Security got when we traveled to somewhere new. "I'll see you for tomorrows concert. Right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" Evan said before he kissed my forehead. Marcus walked and smiled.

"It was nice meeting you Dani. I hope to see you soon" as much as I don't ever want to see him again, I nodded and told him about the concert tomorrow. I'm not doing this me, but for my brother.

"Bye guys" I waved and got in the car.

"See, it wasn't so bad, Dani." Demi started the car and began to drive. I put the hotels address into the GPS and Sat back so I looked at Ray properly.

"Do you want kids?" I asked my sister, taking her off guard by the random question. She took a quick glance at my direction then back on the road.

"Sometime in the future, just not right now. Ally and I just got engage almost a month ago, and I don't want to be rushing into that now." I nodded understandingly. "And you Missy?" I let out a small chuckle.

"I don't feel like I'm in the right state of mind to have any kids" I shrugged. Demi looked at me again and parked the car by the sidewalk.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I sighed and looked back at Ray.

"Let's not talk about it here please?" I whispered. She looked back and sighed before driving again.

I'm going to have to tell her....

A/n: so I finally finished a couple of chapters. So that means I'll be uploading often! The next couple of chapters got me pretty emotional As FUCK! LOL. comment what you think Dani is going to tell Demi.

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