Chapter 95

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"Ready to go, Mrs. Lovato" I teased as Ally and I walked out of the waffle house. Supposedly, that was our honeymoon.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lovato" she said back. "You know, this is the best day of my life" I smiled widely and linked my arm with her.

"We should get going. Don't want to worry the girls to much" she nodded before kissing my cheek and walking to the car.


We were about 20 minutes from the hotel we were staying at. We had to fly from Las Vagas, and back to wherever the next show was being held.

"My parents are going to be here tomorrow" Ally whispered. Ally's parents don't approve of us being together. But now that we're married, They can't say shit. Ally is old enough to do whatever she wants.

"Oh. Are you going to tell them?" She shrugged cuddling closer to me.

"Most likely. They need to understand that I'm in love, and at the appropriate age. They can't keep me theirs forever." I giggled and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you, Allyson"

"I love you to, Demetria" she said before the car came to a stop, and we were in front of the hotel.


"YOU WHAT!" Screamed my little sister Dani, as she jumped out of Lauren's bed. My other little sister, Maddie, looked at me funny not believing what we're saying. The other girls had a blank expression.

"Me and Ally got married today." I repeated, showing off mine and Ally's rings. Dani and Maddie looked at each other, then tackled Ally with hugs.

"I guess I better get use to this" Ally said. I smiled knowing my sisters were gonna be happy.

"Now we are like a big family" Camila yelled running to hug me. Then one by one the rest of the girls came and joined. "We're like your kids"

"We take care of you guys like if you guys were our kids. We love each one of you" Ally smiled trying her best to hug all the girls at the same time.

"Speaking of taking care of you guys, its time to go to sleep. We have to wake up early" Groans filled the room and it made Ally and I laugh. "Oh shut up, and get to your rooms"


Dani's POV-

I woke up feeling someone leave kisses all over my face. I opened an eye, and saw Lauren giggling and poking my cheek.

"Good morning beautiful!" I placed a finger on her lips to keep her from continuing to talk. I turned on my side and tried going back to sleep. "Babe! Come on, we have to get ready. We have a show today" she spooned me and buried her face into the side of my neck.

"Lauren, I'm so tired. Please let me sleep. I don't feel to good" I whined covering my head with the blanket. Lauren sat up, removing the blanket from my head.

"Are you ok? What's wrong? What hurts?" I slowly chuckled not wanting to feel sicker. I cuddled with her legs and closed my eyes.

"I just feel so tired, nauseous, and weak. But its just probably nothing."

"Its probably all that alcohol you been consuming" Lauren panicked. "Do you think you have alcohol poisoning?" I opened my eyes to see a scared looking Lauren.

"No, Lauren. Stop reacting. I think If I had alcohol poisoning, I would be really bad. Throwing up and stuff. But its probably nothing." I reassured her. I kissed her cheek and got off the bed. I felt so light headed.

"Fine, I'll leave you here while you shower. The girls and I have to meet in Dinah's room to get hair and makeup done. Demi should be coming to the room in a bit." I nodded walking with her to the door. She stopped before she reached the knob, and turned slowly with a face eating grin.

"What?" I smiled. I took her hand and gazed my thumb on her palm.

"Nothing, I just missed us being like this. But I'm still going to bother you, so keep your eyes open" I giggled opening the door before I kissed her cheek.

"I figured. See you when we eat. I'm actually feeling really hungry" she looked at me funny.

"Didn't you say you felt nauseous?"

"Yeah, but I'm really hungry" she looked at me more concerned.

"Are you sure your OK?" I pecked her lips letting my lips linger for a few more seconds.

"I'm fine. Seriously" she nodded before she left.


After showering and getting my hair, make up, and clothes with Demi, we went to the cafeteria to eat. I seriously ran to the table and began to make a plate. I'm really hungry.

"You weren't lying" I heard a giggle. I shrugged. "Come on, I think that's enough" I looked down on my plate and realize, I over did it.

We sat at a table and smiled at each other since we were sitting in front of one another. She stared at me for awhile before giving me my orange juice.

"Dan, if I ask you something, please don't get mad" Lauren said.

"Why would I get mad? Just ask. I'm all ears" I said giving her a weak smile.

"Are you doing drugs?" Well that was straight forward. "I mean, if you are, that's really dangerous! You ca-" I stood up reaching my hand over her mouth.

"Your starting to yell. The last thing I want is for Demi to freak out about me. She just got married." she nodded. "Are you going to be quiet?" She nodded again. "Ok" I removed my hand. "I'm not doing drugs. What makes you think I am?"

"Your pupils. Their dilated." I shrugged, feeling a little weird.

"Come on" I took her hand and raced to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and notice I was also pale looking. "Do I look pale to you?" Lauren tilted her head, examining me.

"Just a bit. Are you sure your ok?"

"I mean I feel OK. Nothings bothering me." I shrugged.

"The minute I notice something else, I'm telling Phil" I nodded putting my hands up in surrender.

"Fine, this is actually starting to scare me though" she nodded in agreement, before she wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"Its scarying me! Let's go finish eating, then get hooked up to our ear piece." I nodded and we walked out together.


A/n: just uploaded another chapter for 'Till We Die' check it out for me, please! And what do you think will happen next?

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