Chapter 57

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Ally's POV-

Demi turned walking away. I slowly bend down to pick up the velvet box, that laid on the tip of my boots. I opened it slowly and gulped the lump in my throat at the sight.

It was an amazing white diamond Ring, with smaller diamonds around the band. Inside the band, had the date Demi and I became a couple.

"Hey, what do you have there?" I looked away and whipped my tears. Perrie was standing in front of me waiting for me to answer. But I'm to shock to speak.

I shook my head and carefully stuffed the small box into my pocket. I bend down and picked up the stomped roses, that still looked pretty in a way.

"I have to go. See you at the show" I mumbled and walked away from Perrie.

I tried my absolute best not to cry. I knew if I stepped onto that bus, I was going to get attacked and trampled by questions that I didn't want to answer. Questions that I didn't want to be reminded of, of what had happened 10 minutes ago.

"Hey AllyCat" Camila yelled enthusiastically jumping off the couch. "Nice flowers" she smiled. I couldn't take it. I threw the flowers to the floor and raced to my bunk.

"Mila! What did you do!?" I heard Dinah yell at Camila.

"Nothing, I swear. All I said was hey, and nice flowers" I buried my face into the pillow, knowing all to well that the girls were coming to my Bunk. I heard the curtain move and someone laying next to me.

"AllyCat? I'm sorry for whatever I said. I didn't mean it" Camila whispered running her fingers through my hair, as the other rubbed my back.

"You didn't say anything" I chuckled sitting up and wrapping myself with my blanket.

"Then what is it?" Normani asked. I bit on my lower lip trying to think of something.

"I don't want to talk about it right now" I mumbled. The girls looked at each other before they engulfed me tight hugs. I let myself cry into the girls, cause I really couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Just Cry Ally. Let it all out. We're here for you" I heard Dinah whispered.

What seemed like forever, I stopped my whailing and it was replaced with small whimpers. But I was still crying. The girls haven't really left my side, and its kinda of hard to think. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love having them here with me, its just there trying to hard to make me happy and I don't want to be happy. Well, I do but with Demi. I know the way she yelled at me was wrong, but I love her. I love her more than anything. She is my everything.

"Come on. We have to go to our hotel rooms. Its getting late" Dinah whispered. I nodded and jumped down my bunk looking for my sandals.

When we got to our floor, I told the girls I was fine on my own, so they can leave me alone in the hallway. When I knew the girls were in their rooms, I walked over to the lobby and just sat there to think.

"Please" I whispered to myself. "Fix this" I sighed. Maybe I am over reacting with the whole Selena thing. Maybe she really didn't do anything. Maybe Demi didn't invite her over. I just can't forget what Selena did. Its like screwed into my head.

A/n: Sorry guys for the very late update and the very crappy chapter!! There's been a lot going on, on Twitter, With one direction! Its crazy and alot to take in all at once. I'm just really glad I got to see them when they were 5! It sucks cause I wanted to see them again in San Diego, but what's the point if your number one fave is not there!? I have a lot to say about the whole situation, bit I don't want hate so, im keeping my mouth shut!

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