Chapter 61

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Lauren's POV-

What was seriously taking everybody so long. I'm really hungry and its been half an hour since Dani and Ally left.

Everybody was worried, but they knew they were fine, but not me. My gut was telling me to go up and see. Something felt terribly wrong.

"Dinah, I'm going to go find them. Tell the others to go, and I'll get a taxi to the restaurant" Val untangled her hand from Dinah and stood next to me.

"I'm going to." Val said. She turned and faced Dinah, with a small smile. "You go OK. Tell my mom I'm still getting ready if she asks." Dinah sighed, but nodded.

"Please call me if anything" We nodded and watched as she walked away with Camila and Normani.

"You have that feeling to, don't you?" I asked Val as we started walking back to the elevators. She surpressed a small smile looking at the elevators buttons.

"Yeah, I was thinking that its was just my stomach growling. But its different, cause I think about Dani and Demi" she fidgeted with her fingers as we stepped onto the silver doors.

When we got to our floor, we notice someone sitting on the floor, with their knees pressed against their chest. I couldn't see her face bet an instinct told me to run towards her.

I guess the person heard my feet pounding on the floor as I ran to them, that she immediately shot her head up. I was met with the same sad eyes I didn't want to see in a while. Those eyes that once were happy and bright an hour ago.

"Lauren!" She cried as she hurled herself into my arms. She whimmpered silently into my neck, gripping her fingers into my shirt.

"Dani, what happen!? Are you OK!?" Val said as she kneeled down to get a better look at Dani. I motioned Val to go to the room which she did. I needed to talk to her for myself.

"Are you hurt in anyway?" I whispered to her ear. She shook her head against my shoulder. "OK, I'm going to pick you up then and put you in the room, ok" she shook her viciously, starting to shake. "Ok. Ok. Calm down Dani. I'll take you to my room. I...Is that better" she nodded but her body still shook in my arms.

Val came out the room as I began to stand up. She helped me stand considering, Dani was in my arms and she was showing no signs of letting go anytime soon. Val gave me an urgent stare as I knew she needed to talk to me.

"In my back pocket, I have my room key. Can you get it and help me." She nodded. I turned around and felt Val slipped her fingers into my jean pocket. She grabbed it and walked down the hall.

"Room 513, right?" I nodded. She swiped the card and entered holding the door for me.

"Dan, I'm going to lay you in bed and get you some water, ok. I'm not leaving you what so ever" I said reassuring her. She nodded turning on her side, hugging a pillow.

"I walked in the room, to find Ally doing the exact same thing that you were doing to Dani, but with Demi. I asked Ally what was going on, Something triggered Demi into wanting to Self harm. Dani saw the blade, and you know...she wanted to, to. But Ally threw the blade away in time" Val whispered as we walked into the kitchen area.

I couldn't say anything, as I took everything in. My mind was racing with thoughts to say, but I couldn't put any thoughts into words. I can't let Dani do this to herself again.

"I'm going to Call Dinah, and tell her to Cancel the restaurant. We'll get something close by, and eat it here. We can't let them be alone" I nodded.

She walked out leaving me alone in the kitchen. I took the water bottle from the fridge, and walked over to my girlfriend, who laid in my bed motionless.

"Hey baby" I cooed silently into her ear. "Drink some water." She sat up and twisted the white cap. She chugged half of the bottle and gave it back. "You know we need to talk, but I'll wait till you feel up to it" I kissed her head and sat the water bottle on the night stand.

"Lauren? I love you" she whispered laying her head on my thigh. I rested my back on the bed frame and stroked her long hair.

"And I love you"

A/n: I know the picture of Dinah is Random, but I just love this picture of her. But anyways, yeah, like I said before I'll be posting random pictures of the girls.

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