Chapter 30 : New Life

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AN: No Music for this chapter


Once they arrived, the men rolled them out on the stretchers.

James was concerned seeing that she was sweating and closing her eyes shut.

" Des, what's going on? Talk to me." He spoke weakly.

" I feel the contractions I think the baby is coming tonight James. It hurts so bad." Tears came out her eyes.

Destiny kept yelling out in pain as she felt herself go into labor.

" Ahhhh!!" She wanted to hold James Hand again but she realized that they were parting ways, being separated at a distance.

" I wish I could be by your side but you're going to have to be strong and do this alone."

" No, I can't. I'm scared. I don't know." She shook her head unsure.

" You have no choice. Remember what I said. Stay strong for our daughter. I'll see you soon ... I love you ."

" I love you too."

They both kept eye contact until they were no longer seen.

They took James down another hall as she was now by herself.

" Try to Control your breathing dear."

A man doctor told her as he was by her side looking down at her.

" Uhh, I-I'm trying!". She moaned and jerked.

They rolled her down the hallway of the hospital quickly.

She was breathing rapidly, trying to soothe the pain that was so hard to bear.

She inhaled and exhaled like they told her too as she held her stomach.

Finally, when she was in the room, the doctor examined her , soon they realized that there wasn't going to be much time and she was losing blood from the gunshot wounds still stuck in her skin.

" Her blood pressure is rising and the baby's heart rate is failing, that's not a good sign."

The woman was panicking as Destiny looked shocked.

" Please! Just save my baby. Don't worry about me." She pleaded.

" Do whatever you have to do but she needs to live!",

The Woman Doctor, caressed her face gently with her hand.

" Young lady, Look at me, you're going to make it. You and you're baby will be okay. Right now we're going to have to put you under some heavy pain medicine."

Destiny nodded as she listened carefully crying.

The Doctor put on some gloves applying an oxygen mask to Destiny's face to help her breathe.

She took a shot and inserted it into her skin.

Destiny's body soon started to shake uncontrollably.

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