Chapter 9 : Sorrow

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Music Playlist: Meshell Ndegeocello - Fool Of Me


James Solomon

Once I woke up. I was very afraid. I didn't think that what I did would push Destiny this far to want to kill me.

This felt like a bad horror movie. I thought this was all a dream but it was reality.

My baby was badly hurt and I failed Her.

I drove this amazing woman crazy because of my foolish decision to cheat in this healthy relationship.

Things between me and her were good and then I allowed my old lustful temptations to get the best of me.

"You're not going to kill me," I replied confidently.

" How are you so sure that I won't blow your brains out right here right now?", She tested me pointing the gun to my head.

I purposely moved forward making it closer to my skull.

" Because you're in love with me and no matter how mad you are right now. You're not a killer."

Her face softened. I knew she loved me and was just upset.

I needed her to calm down before she made a bad mistake.

She was nervous and her hands were shaking, she kept her grip tightly on the trigger.

My heart was beating fast,
I just wanted to see how far she was willing to go.

I wanted her to come to her senses and think in this moment.

"You're a good woman and I'm the one who got demons. You don't need to be cold-hearted because I hurt you. It's my fault! and as a grown-ass man, I let you down."

I can tell that what I said was hitting her heart. She knew I was right and I took full blame for my actions.

She was about to put the gun down.

She hesitated as tears came down her cheeks.

I looked into her eyes sincerely.

" Destiny give me the gun."

I took my hand and attempted to grab it from her.

She quickly raised it back to my head resenting to give in.

" I did nothing wrong but love and defend you! I took a beating from your father and got caught up in the street life you lived. I was willing to give my life for you! I rode hard for you James!." She confessed.

" Baby I'm S-," I interjected.

" Shut the fuck up!!" She yelled at me.

" I put myself In harm's way because, my foolish ass was dumb enough, to fall in love with you. I WAS LOYAL WHEN I COULD'VE LEFT AND FOUND SOMEONE BETTER!...NO! I stuck it out because I believed in your potential James! I knew in my heart that you were a changed man. Now, I regret giving you that second chance, I realized that you're not the same man I fell in love with."

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