Chapter 19 : Open wounds

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Music Playlist: Sammie - Come with me


James Solomon

" You sure you don't want me to drive you home? I mean it's the least I can do." 

I was helping put some of the Baby gifts in her car.

I didn't know why she chose to drive knowing that she was 8 and a half months pregnant. She was crazy for doing that.

The baby could be due in the next few weeks she wasn't thinking.

That's one thing that worried me about Destiny is that she didn't mind taking risks...this was a serious matter.

She was pregnant and I couldn't allow anything to happen. I couldn't lose her or the baby and live with that.

She sighed, opening her car door.

" James." She trailed off.

" Look, I'm fine. I got this. I promise."
She assured me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You're still stubborn as hell." I shook my head at her.

" You know it." She giggled.

" But, in all seriousness, you're letting me drive you home. No if ands or but's and that's final."

I said sternly, She pouted folding her arms.

" Do you always have to be this aggressive with your approach to things?"

She rolled her eyes with an attitude.

" Yep! And I'm glad that you always listen when I do get aggressive. I swear it's hard to get through to that thick skull of yours."

I joked as she punched me in the arm. I rubbed it soothing the pain.

" Damn girl, you still got them hands huh?"

I said referring to the hard punches she always gave me.

" I've been taking self-defense classes and working out. Ya, girl got some muscle strength now." She flexed her muscles.

" Well, shit! Let me find out you beating niggas asses out here on ya own. I'm going proud of you Des." I congratulated her.

" Thanks, James." She softly said.

Once I got the rest of the baby shower gifts in the car. I got behind the wheel driving her home as we listened to music. We were silent the whole way to her house not saying a word.

I guess, things were still pretty thick in the air and soon we needed to talk things out so we could move forward as friends it was up to her if she wanted to continue rebuilding our relationship. It wasn't any pressure.

Once we arrived, I got out of the car and jogged to her side, opening the door, and helping her out by the hand.

She unlocked the door and went into the house to relax on the couch. She kept complaining about her legs being sore.

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