Chapter 26

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Monday morning, Beca was walking into school with a small limp. She smiled over at her friends but her eyes stayed locked on the beautiful redhead who then looked back her way.

"How the fuck did you manage to get a girl like that?", Beca smirked to herself as she got closer.

"Are you hurt? Why are you limping?", Chloe's face instantly changed to worry when she noticed the way her soccer captain was walking.

Beca shrugged her shoulders to brush off the comment. "I'm fine, my ankle always does this after a game"

"Has it been like that even since Nick tackles you against Jefferson?", Jesse asked and watched Beca nod back at her before rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, but I'll have an ice bath later after practice and it'll be back to normal by tomorrow"

The bell rang out around the group of friends and soon enough they all started to make their way inside the building. Beca went to follow them but was quickly stopped by Chloe who pushed her hand against the brunette's chest.

"Do you think you need to see the sports therapist about your ankle?", Chloe crosses her arms and moved so she was stood in the way of Beca.

"No, Chlo", Beca sighed and rolled her eyes again, "I'm fine, alright?", she tried to walk past but Chloe's hand then gripped her arm to stop her.

"Everything good Captain?", Jason and Derek were strolling past now, both noticing the interaction.

"Yeah, I'll see you inside", she forced a smile back at them before turning to look at Chloe again.

Chloe sighed and let go of Beca's arm now, "Bec, I'm just trying to look out for-"

"Well you don't have to Chlo, your not my girlfriend", Beca successfully walked away that time, only realising what she said once she had made it to homeroom.

"Good one Mitchell", the soccer star rubbed a hand down her face, instantly feeling guilty as she stood at the front of the room.

Just as Beca was about to walk to her vacant seat at the back of the room by Stacie, she felt a nudge against her shoulder by someone walking past. Chloe then took her own seat close to the other cheerleaders including Jess and Sophie, both who looked confused at the change in atmosphere between the two girls.

"Chlo, I'm-"

"Save it Beca, I don't want to hear it right now", Chloe glared up at the brunette with fire in her eyes and Beca knew immediately that she had fucked up.

The brunette walked off without another word and eventually sat down in her seat, avoiding the stare she was getting from her best friend.

"What did you do?", Stacie whispered now as Mr Jones started to call out the register.

Beca placed her head down on top of her arms that rested on the desk as she closed her eyes. "I didn't do anything", she mumbled quietly.

"Well, it doesn't look like you didn't do anything", Stacie smirked. "You're going to lose the bet now that you've got her in the palm of your hand"

"Shut up Conrad"


Beca was stood at her locker now at the start of her free period, swapping her books and backpack for her small gym bag that she would take over to the fitness suite and physio room. As she was making her way through the hallways toward the gym, the voices of her teammates calling her made her turn around.

"Cap! You working out?", Derek slapped his hand down on Beca's shoulder as they all started to walk together.

"I was going to do a short weight session and then go see Jules for therapy and physio", she followed the boys into the reasonably sized weights room now.

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