Chapter 36

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"How's school going guys?', Ben's voice brought Beca out of her thoughts as she realised where she was. Sheila and Emily were round for dinner, Thursday night, but as always Beca didn't feel like socialising and would rather spend her evenings in her room with her guitar and notebook, full of songs that she had written.

"School is busy Dad, we've got finals coming up after Spring Break so our teachers are giving us loads of homework to help us prep", Tom saved the conversation, knowing his sister wasn't going to answer him.

"That's good", Ben nodded as the five of them started to eat their dinner. He picked up his drink to sip from before looking over at his daughter that had barely eaten, "I haven't seen Chloe for a while, is everything alright Beca?"

The three teenagers all froze for a second, Tom and Emily quickly starting to eat again as Beca just looked up at her father after taking a deep breath. "She's been busy with college applications and school work", she mumbled quietly.

Sheila noticed the slight tension in Beca's voice as she switched the subject of conversation. "You guys have your playoff games this weekend right? Are you excited?", she smiled at the twins.

"Yeah, I've got LSU coming to watch me tomorrow when we play Jefferson", Tom smiled back at the woman before his gaze switched to his Dad, "The LSU Coach actually said that they will be making a full scholarship bid for me, regardless of whether we win State or not"

"Wow, son that's incredible", Ben's smile grew wider as he leaned over the table, holding his hand out, "Congratulations Tom, I'm proud of you boy"

Tom shook his Dad's hand, smiling back at him as he'd feel his father's pride in him. "Thanks Pop"

"How about you Beca? We're coming to your game on Saturday", Ben switched his gaze to Beca again.

"Yeah, I've had uhh.. UCLA and some other schools come to watch", she cleared her throat a little, knowing her Dad would be happy with her news, "I actually sent off applications a couple of weeks ago, but nothing is for certain yet if I'll go or not"

Ben placed his hand on top of his daughters, "Thank you", he smiled warmly, noticing Beca taking her hand away now but the small smile creeping on her face.

"I still haven't decided if I'm actually going to go yet, so don't get your hopes up old man", she laughed along with the rest of them as the conversation started to lighten up now.

"Well, I guess we should share our news then seeing as you two are going or almost going to college", he winked at Beca now who rolled her eyes back at him before taking a hold of Sheila's hand. "So, me and Sheila have been talking and we've decided that after you two have graduated and moved on to whatever you will be doing next", he smiled at his girlfriend before looking back at the kids. "Sheila and Emily are going to be moving in"

"Wait, what?", Beca started to laugh now, nervously looking around when she noticed no one else joining her. "This is a joke right?", she furrowed her eyebrows and felt her teeth clench when she saw her Dad shake his head.

"Beca, I know you think that I'm trying to-"

"Can I be excused?", Beca abruptly stood up from her seat, interrupting her Dad before he said what she had been thinking the past few months.

"Sure thing, honey", Sheila softly replied when Ben just stared at his daughter and the four of them all watched as Beca quickly walked upstairs to her room, wanting to be alone.

"She's going to move in here?", she slammed her door shut and started to pace up and down her room, "Where Mom lived and breathed? They're moving in here?", her hands went to her head and pulled at her hair as the thoughts kept racing through her mind, "Why couldn't they just get their own place instead of replacing all of Mom's memories that live here with new ones that include Sheila"

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