Chapter 11

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"You guys know the rules, no parties, no being late to early morning practice tomorrow, no fighting with other players and no sleepovers with people you aren't roomed with", Coach looked around the group of players and cheerleaders as they were stood inside the lobby of the hotel, "Mitchell, I'm talking to you specifically about that one"

Sniggers and small laughter erupted in the group as all eyes turned to the small brunette that was more focused on the group of girls that was walking past the group. She'd shrug her shoulders while everyone turned back to listen, trying to avoid the baby blue eyes that seemed to be trained on her ever since they got off the bus.

"Everyone will be roomed with someone of the same sex to avoid any problems from happening", he continued before turning to the front desk to collect the room keys.

"Who does Beca room with? Does he not realise that-"

"Mitchell, Swanson.. you're the only exception for obvious reasons", he'd throw them a set of keys that Beca reached up to catch with one hand, smirking with Jesse stood next to her.

"Yeah, Coach knows that Beca bats for the other team so now she has to room with Jesse", Jess smiled, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder as she turned to face Chloe, "The first few away trips Beca had a more enjoyable experience before Coach found out", she smirked.

"Yeah, I bet", Chloe let her head fall so she was looking at the floor, chewing on her bottom lip as she tried to suppress the jealousy and mixed emotions she had been trying to figure out on the coach ride here.

"Aubrey and Jess", Coach called out the next pairing for the rooms, handing Aubrey the set of keys to the captain, "and finally Chloe and Stacie"

"Brilliant", Chloe rolled her eyes and picked her head up to force a smile in Stacie's direction as the leggy brunette skipped over.

"Let's go", she'd link her arm through the redhead's, both carrying their bags and they made their way towards their room for the next two nights. "I think everyone is heading over to the diner over the road to get some food"

"What time do we need to be in the lobby tomorrow?", Chloe stopped behind Stacie who was unlocking the door and then stepping inside. The redhead stepped inside the room, instantly spotting the small en-suite that was situated to the left of the door leading back out to the hallway.

"The game starts at 12:30, so we're meeting at 9 to go over the routine and warm-up and travel over to Jefferson before everyone else gets there", the cheerleader dropped her bag on one of the single beds that sat in the middle of the room, opposite a small TV and mini-fridge.

"What did Coach mean about no trouble with other players? Did something happen last year?", Chloe followed her and put her bag down on the single bed adjacent to Stacie's.

"Well, Jefferson have always been our rivals so the games are always tense but well.. last year let's just say that Beca met a girl and decided to sleep with her the night before, only to find out the next day at the game that the girl she slept with was Nick Johnson's girlfriend, Jefferson's captain", Stacie bit down on her lip, trying not to laugh as she'd walk over to the en-suite to apply some more lipstick.

"Why does that not surprise me in the slightest?", Chloe smirked herself, rolling her eyes as she checked her phone, hoping o see a message from a certain someone.

"Yeah, but you won't have to worry about anything like that happening this year", Stacie smiled and shrugged her shoulders walking back in the room, to see Chloe staring down at her phone. "She knows better than to risk doing something stupid like that", she'd sigh discreetly, thinking about how oblivious both girls were for each other's feelings.

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