Chapter 33

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Chloe rushed downstairs at the sound of Beca beeping her horn from outside. "Chloe, honey, I need to speak to you about-"

"I can't talk right now Daddy, I'm late for school", she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, before leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. "We can talk about it another time?", she smiled at him and her father nodded back at her.

Spinning on her heel Chloe slung her bag over her shoulder, grabbed her denim jacket and house keys by the door as she quickly checked her appearance in the mirror. The smile on her face grew even wider when she opened her front door and spotted Beca leaning against the hood of her car, a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"What are these for?", the redhead raised an eyebrow as she reached her soccer captain. Leaning forward she placed a soft kiss on Beca's lips and didn't miss the rush of heat that shot through her body at the feeling of the brunette's hand resting on her hip.

"Well, I've never done this whole", Beca tried to explain her actions, smirking, "the whole relationship, girlfriend thing but I thought this would be a good start?", she handed Chloe the flowers now, taking a second to check her out before sliding off the hood of her car.

"You're so cute", Chloe wrapped her arms round Beca's neck, still holding the flowers now as she kissed her girlfriend again. "I-I-", the words that she had been thinking about for the past two weeks were rising in her throat and Chloe couldn't stop them from coming out when she said, "I love you"

The silence she was met with was a little concerning, especially as the smile on Beca's face quickly disappeared. "W-What?", the soccer star stuttered her words.

"I know we only made things official the other night but I've felt this way about you for nearly a month or maybe longer and I love you Beca", Chloe pressed her body closer to Beca, but felt her stomach drop when the brunette moved away.

"We uh.. better get going so we're not late for homeroom", Beca forced a smile as she threw her car keys into the air and caught them again while opening the passenger door.

Chloe shook off her feelings as she smiled back at Beca and climbed into the car, looking down at the flowers in her hand. "Did I misread all of the signs?", she thought to herself as Beca got into the driver's side and started the engine now.

The drive to school was awkward. The only noise that could be heard was the radio playing as both girls were left alone with their thoughts. Beca kept her eyes on the road as she kept replaying the moment over and over in her mind.

"Why didn't you say it back?", her subconscious spoke up, "You've been wanting to say it for months, Mitchell", Beca sighed now. "You need to tell her about the bet.. it's eating you alive"

"Are you okay?", Chloe's sweet voice knocked Beca out of her daydream as she pulled into the parking lot now. The brunette smiled again as she glanced over at Chloe, intertwining her fingers with the redhead as she turned off the engine now.

"Yeah, I'm excited to show off my girlfriend to the rest of the school", she winked before quickly getting out of the car and jogging round to open Chloe's door.

"You're such a gentleman, Mitchell", Chloe bit down on her lip as she watched Beca reach into the backseat for her backpack after climbing out of the Mustang.

"I try and be the best for you", Beca took hold of Chloe's hand now, starting to lead the way over to the steps of the huge building where she had spotted her friends waiting.

Chloe's insecurities instantly disappeared when she felt Beca squeeze her hand a little as they got closer to the group. "Have you told them yet?"

Beca shook her head, smiling over at Chloe before moving her hand to rest on the small of the redhead's back. "Guys, I would like to introduce-"

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