Chapter 38

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Stood in the kitchen of Derek's house, Beca couldn't help the confused and puzzled look on her face as she sipped her beer while noticing all of the couples. Fat Amy and Bumper were lining up more tequila shots along with Stacie and Jack, she smirked when she watched her best friend start to unbutton her date's shirt to set up a body shot. Sophie and Jason were standing with a bunch of the other cheerleaders including Chloe and Liam.

"How come there are no single people anymore?", Beca leaned against the kitchen side, rolling her eyes as she heard Jesse start to laugh.

"You're not single dude, you just need to win your girl back", Jesse patted his friend on the shoulder.

Beca sighed and moved her gaze back to focus on her redhead that seemed to be having a good time with her friends. She didn't miss the way that Liam's eyes ran over Chloe's body and had to clench her jaw and look away before she did something she would regret. "I need to go and get some air", Beca walked away from her friends before anyone could stop her, missing the way that most of the room watched her leave and the guilty look flashing in Chloe's eyes.

Once outside, the soccer star moved to where there was no one around, leaning against the wooden railing that wrapped around the edge of the decking. "What else am I meant to do?", she thought to herself, rubbing her thumb across the label of her beer bottle. "If she's happy with him why can't you just let her be happy?"

"Hey, what are you doing out here by yourself?", Sophie's voice caused Beca to stand up straight now, looking over at the blonde that positioned herself next to her.

"I uh.. I just needed some time to think", the brunette avoided eye contact, sipping her drink once more as she heard the sound of laughter and music now joining them. Snapping her head up, she felt the breath leave her throat when Chloe along with a group of her friends and her little puppy-on-a-leash Liam following along behind her. "Is she doing this on purpose? Parading him around in front of me like some kind of punishment for lying to her?"

"Beca.. I need you to listen to me-"

"Does she ever talk about me?", Beca interrupted the cheerleader before gulping down the rest of her drink and placing the bottle on the small coffee table. Sighing, the soccer captain had to turn around so her back was to everyone else, mainly Chloe and her dumb date.

Sophie pitifully watched her friend look away before speaking. "Not like she used to", she shrugged her shoulders, "Now whenever she hears your name at practice or in the locker room, she'll look over at the few of us who know with these eyes". From the corner of her eye the blonde watched Beca's head hang in guilt and pain. "Those brilliant eyes of hers and in that moment you would think that all of the sadness in the world was forced into this one person, this one heart that is now so fragile", Sophie looked forward just as she saw Chloe laugh along with Aubrey and Jessica. "But then she'll put on a smile that is so obviously forced that it's painful to actually look at", she turned to face Beca now as the brunette moved to look forward again, "She might space out or just change the subject, not because she doesn't want to talk about you, but because she can't. Those that know what happened, we can tell that she's hurting and we can tell that she still loves you", placing a hand on Beca's shoulder she tried to comfort the girl, "She hides it really well but deep down we know that she is hurting still"

Beca sniffed and cleared her throat before turning back around, her jaw obviously clenched and her arms crossed across her chest as she kept her eyes closed. Sophie watched her closely as the soccer star opened her eyes, noticing how red and glassy they are, just begging to let the tears fall. The brunette instead took a deep breath and moved her head back up to look forward, her eyes focusing straight away on the girl she was so desperately in love with. "So, what am I meant to do?", she spoke quietly and Sophie didn't miss the slight crack and wobble in Beca's voice, her emotions heightened.

Off Limits ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें