Chapter 17 - Part II

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Throughout the night Beca was enjoying herself as much as she could. She danced with Sophie and made out with the girl on the dance floor before being told to separate by Mr Jones. She'd spent time with her friends both from the soccer team as well as Jesse, Fat Amy and Stacie. But she couldn't help feel like there was something missing that would have made the whole night that much better.

As she looked out onto the dance floor, a cup of alcoholic punch in her hand that she had been casually drinking throughout the dance, she spotted the very person that she was missing. Her brother's hands resting on Chloe's waist caught her attention and soon she found herself drifting into a daze and not recognising the voice that was trying to speak to her.

"Beca?", she blinked a few times, shaking her head out of the daydream as she turned back to see Sophie stood in front of her now.

"You okay?", Beca asked her date who now stepped forward and sat atop her knee, wrapping her arms around her neck. "How much of that punch did you drink?", she smirked as she noticed the glossy look that had glazed over the eyes of the blonde.

"Enough to still be able to do this", Sophie bit down on her red stained lip before leaning forward to close the distance between them both as she crashed her lips onto Beca's. The soccer star instantly placed her cup down and moved her hand up to the neck of the cheerleader, holding it firmly as she slid her tongue inside to explore her mouth further.

The sound of soft moans coming from the blonde motivated Beca more as her fingers travelled up and into the girl's hair tugging on it slightly which made Sophie pull away and hang her head so she was looking at the ceiling now. This didn't stop the soccer star who quickly took advantage of the opportunity as she moved to place open mouth kisses along the girl's neck, the feeling of Sophie's nails digging into her shoulders.

"Meet me in Mr Jones' room", Sophie pushed Beca so the brunette's back hit against the chair she was sitting on. The cheerleader stood up quickly, running her hands through her hair, trying to make it more presentable as she walked through the gym towards the hallway, her hips swaying as Beca continued to check her out.

Beca smirked as she took hold of her cup, knocking back the rest of her drink as her eyes didn't leave the girl's ass. As she got up from the table and threw her cup down she didn't notice the absence of the redhead from the dance floor, instead looking over and being met with knowing smirks and winks from her friends that had just witnessed her heavy make out session.

"Go get em' tiger", Stacie winked, and sat herself on a chair next to her date.

"Can you just stay away from my desk?", Jesse pleaded before glaring at Fat Amy who then slapped his arm. "What?!"

"Just for that, make sure you do it on his desk. It's the one in the third row"

"I'll be back soon guys", Beca shook her head at her friends, laughing as she then turned and made her way in the same direction that Sophie had left a few seconds prior.

Crashing through the doors of the gym and looking both ways down the hallway, Beca felt the eerie silence she was met with. Not letting it affect her, she spun on her heel and started to jog down towards the classroom.

"Beca?", the soccer star suddenly stopped and turned round to see Chloe exiting the bathrooms and looking over at her, curious. "Where are you going?", she stepped forward so that she could speak to the brunette.

"Oh, uh.. I was just..", Beca pointed her thumb over her shoulder, trying to find her words as the scent of Chloe's perfume made her mind go blank.

"Are you leaving?"

"No.. no I just needed-", she tried to come up with an excuse for why she was leaving the dance for a few minutes but didn't have to when Chloe interrupted her again.

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