Chapter 10

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Throughout the following week at school Chloe tried to play down her feelings as much as she could. Every time Beca would look her way she'd quickly turn her gaze elsewhere. Every time the brunette made an inside joke at lunchtime in front of the group of friends, she would keep her head down and try to ignore the stare and smirk sent her way. The more and more times Chloe ignored the soccer player and instead focused on her friends and her boyfriend, the redhead soon realised that she was crushing on the wrong Mitchell. By the wrong Mitchell she means the one that she isn't in a romantic relationship with.

"But you're with Tom", Jess looked back at her shocked and confused. The two girls were sat in the middle of the library, a mountain of books laid out in front of them as they were trying to study.

"You don't think I know that Jess?!", Chloe snapped and ran her fingers through her long red hair before sighing and looking back down at her notes. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do"

"So you have no feelings for Tom whatsoever?"

"Tom is the sweetest guy. He cares for me, compliments me, super good-looking, star athlete, my family love him including my Dad which is a big surprise because he-"

"Chloe, Chloe", Jess reached across the table smirking as she'd grab her friend's hands to stop her rambling. "Speaking from experience, if you don't have feelings for Tom, you need to let him go"

"I'm so confused", the cheerleader put her head in her hands once more, "They're so similar but yet so different and I like them both", she'd groan. "I can't break up with Tom when I know that there is something I see in him that I could have a real future with"

"A future with? What are you talking about?"

"I mean once we leave high school, going to college, starting a career, starting a life", she'd shrug her shoulders.

"You're thinking way too far ahead of yourself. Let's just focus on the first problem here in front of you. Beca or Tom?", Jess crossed her arms while leaning on the table as she stared over at Chloe, who finally looked back up.

"I need more time to think about this to make sure I'm 100% about any decisions I make", she'd sigh again before picking up her pen and starting to write notes.

"Speak of the devil, I will leave you with one of the Mitchell's", Jess looked over the redhead's shoulder, winking at the person stood there as she'd smile and start to pack away her stuff.

"And which one have you left me with?", Chloe kept her head down, ignoring the person that had moved closer and pulled the chair out beside her.

"Obviously the more athletic, impressive, funny and charming of the two", Beca answered her question as she sat down next to Chloe, smirking at the cheerleader, whose head had snapped up to lock eyes with her own.

"Oh is that right?", Chloe would try and play her own game back with Beca, making sure she didn't get lost in the ocean blue eyes that seemed to be staring right into her soul. "Because I've heard many stories about you but none of them have impressed me"

"Well, we are going to have to definitely change that", Beca winked back at her.

"So, Mitchell what do I owe this pleasure of seeing you in a place that I'm sure you have never been in before", she'd roll her eyes, watching Beca smirk once again before moving her deep red snapback to sit backwards on top of her head.

"That's where you're wrong again about me", Beca causally crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair, "I've been in here a couple of times, but never to study, if you know what I mean"

"You're ridiculous", Chloe sighed and reached across to grab the book, placing it in front of Beca. "You can make yourself useful by finally starting to read the book"

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