Chapter 24

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"I still don't get why you've been spending the last two days at home and Tom has been in school?", Beca rolled her eyes at the sound of Stacie's voice, annoyed that she's having to explain it again.

"I told you this on Monday", she started to explain again, "I'm on suspension this week because I hit him first and he's on suspension next week. My Dad didn't want us at home together alone while he was at work"

"I guess that does make sense"

Beca smirked, pausing her playstation game now as she moved to lay on her bed, "Anything interesting happened while I've been gone?", she rested her head back against her arm, holding the phone to her ear.

"Well.. Chloe and Tom broke up", the tall brunette softly spoke and Beca had to really listen to be able to hear her over the noise of students talking around her.

This made the soccer captain shoot up from her position so she was not sitting cross legged, "Oh shit, what happened?", she fist pumped the air in celebration while faking that she didn't know.

"He admitted to sleeping with Jasmine at the homecoming after party"

Beca led back down, trying to get more information. "How has she been since he told her that?"

"Well, she actually hasn't been in school the past two days", after a short few seconds Stacie spoke up again, "maybe you should go and-"

"I'm grounded Conrad, the old man won't let me out", she rolled her eyes again, already knowing what her best friend was telling her to do.

"Is Beca Mitchell seriously scared to leave the house to go and comfort a girl?"

The brunette smirked, shaking her head, "I'll speak to you later loser", she hung up the phone, throwing it beside her as she stared up at her ceiling.

Beca checked the time on her phone, biting down on her lip as she thought about going to see the beautiful cheerleader. "Half 12 means I have about 4 hours till either Tom or Dad get home from practice and work", she thought to herself, smiling while jumping up from her bed again, this time grabbing her shoes and keys before leaving the house.


Chloe had just finished watching a film, finally getting her mind off of the recent events at school. Hearing what Tom had told Beca about staying away from her before watching them then fight was scary for the cheerleader. The way that the twins could argue like that to the point where they would hit each other made Chloe feel guilty for getting in between them.

When Tom had told her about homecoming night, Chloe thought that she would feel more upset than she actually was. I meant he had just admitted to being a cheating bastard and yet she didn't cry or get angry, not once. The only reason why the cheerleader had taken time off school was because she couldn't stand all of the stares and whispering that was happening about her.

The redhead was scrolling through Netflix again, looking for another film or series that she could start binge watching, knowing that her Dad would be forcing her to go back to the school. Just as she was about to select another film, her phone started ringing from her desk where it was plugged in, charging.

Chloe shuffled out of her comfortable position in bed and moved across her room to where her phone was vibrating against the wooden desk, seeing Beca's name flashing across the screen, she instantly smiled and picked it up without a second glance. "Hello, stranger", she turned so that she sat back against her desk.

"Well you don't sound like someone that has just had a boyfriend cheat on them", Chloe could just picture the smirk that was plastered across the brunette's face as she spoke, feeling the butterflies start in her stomach.

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