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When Jessica and I married, she took the mother-in-law over the garage and made it into a medical suite. I kept getting hurt, so she kept upgrading it. When she got pregnant, she made it into a full OB ward. She, Lori, and Mom went through and ordered everything they would need to deliver a baby, including if they needed to do a C-sect, because of something bad, like the Relaxin hormone not causing dilation in Vampires, or the baby being bigger than Jessica could safely deliver. We have everything a hospital could offer and then some.

Lori took overtime shifts in OB, where she is already qualified, in order to be completely current.

Now the family waited.

There is a funny thing about delivering babies. You do it in a hospital, and they treat it like a medical condition. You deliver with a midwife, and it's at your house, or sometimes in a pool. You also have those times where you are on the way to the hospital and you end up delivering at the firehouse along the way, or in the back seat. You can have babies without medical equipment.

Jessica has every medical contingency she or my mom could think of ready, but she also made a few rules, and my mom is OK with them.

The first rule is that she is not shaving her pubic region. Ut would itch when it grew back, and in every case but the hospital one, and including all the times before the modern ones when babies were delivered in caves and castles, no one ever did that. Jessica told mom that when her water breaks, she'll clean up in the shower, and we'll scrub lightly but completely. Which we did. This is the last time I am going to see Jessica's baby-filled belly like this, so it was bittersweet.

Just because the water broke, there is no rush, so we took our time. Jessica surrounded by Morgan, Helen, and myself, all working to prepare her like the royalty she is to us. Jessica has never been so squeakily clean.

Episiotomy. No. Not only 'No', but 'Hell no'. Only in extreme emergency and in that case, why not c-sect instead? If there is fetal distress, the baby is coming out to the front. The Epidural is in place and ready to fire up, just in case.

Finally, family could be in the delivery room. Not only the anxious dad. Anyone that wants to be there. If you are the type to be queasy around naked women and blood... What the hell are you doing hanging out with Vampires?

That is how it came to pass that Morgan, Helen, and I surrounded the Birthing chair, in addition to Mom and Lori. Mom and Lori got the best seats. Every vital sign is up on the two screens, the baby getting her own screen. Her little heart beating along perfectly. In the next circle are Angel, Nakoma, Dad, Danny, and, of course, Rachel. Jessica is surrounded by a sea of faces, and she looked very calm about everything. Confident.

That made one of us.

Nakoma being here meant that there is no talk about fangs or Vampire babies.

I know there is no better medical care to be had anywhere and at any price. I also know that Jessica can look around and see all the love and that will be a very big comfort. Jessica is relaxed, so the baby is too.

I am a typical dad, I guess. My nervousness is not communicable it appears, and Jessica found it amusing.

Contractions are about a minute apart now. I scanned the faces. It is interesting Nakoma wants to be here for this. Angel's daughter is going to grow up to break hearts, but right now she is a self-confident pre-adolescent who wants to watch live childbirth. I am impressed. Her father may have disappeared as soon as Angel got pregnant, but he left behind a real treasure.

I think Danny might be nearly as wound up as I am. He nervously bounced on his toes. Lori would normally calm him down, but she is busy with my wife and child.

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