Momma Likes

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When we got back to the house, I mentioned to Jessica that medical evaluation part of our discussion. She raised an eyebrow at me. "You go to all the trouble to see if she has any physical impediment to pregnancy, and then you tell her that?"

"I know. Not thinking. Kind of my calling card these days. Lack of thinking." I gestured outwards, looking sheepish.

"No. I get it. I agree. It is smart to realize you can't father every child in the Vampire-verse. But come on, Adrian. Rachel? I am going to tell her that if she wants your sperm, I'll collect it and put it in her so fast you won't know what happened." Jessica told me firmly, and it was not a joke.

"Fair enough. I would never deny her if that is the thing she wants. I told her that."

"It will be more interesting to see how she deals with the 'keep daddy close' compulsion."

"Uh... How have you dealt with that?" I asked, with some guilt.

"I still had your blood, and I had Helen. She got laid with fair frequency. Morgan is looking really good to me too. I mean damn yummy."

"Morgan would not know what to do with that." I laughed. "Glad I am back in business to save her from having to figure that one out. She is already confused enough right now."

"Her and Helen both." Jessica responded with an evil expression. "Helen still not sure what to do with the idea that Rachel came here for you."

"Not ONLY me. She wants to be here for when our baby is born. I still have not told anyone the name. Have you?"

"Of course not!" Jessica touched her tummy. "I think she is going to be nearly ten pounds when she is born, by the way. We did some ultrasound measurements while you were on the boat, and Mom and I looked at the charts. She is big."

"I can see that." I said, looking down. "She is sucking her thumb again."

"So, you got to see her before anyone, and you keep seeing all these things she does. I wish we could trade places. I could watch her, and you could get your bladder trounced."

"If I could trade, I would. Then I would be the most beautiful mother. I could feel what it is like to carry a new life inside me. I envy you."

"You will say that about Helen when she is pregnant, you know." Jessica teased.

"I will, and I will mean it." I agreed.

Jessica looked like she had been goosed. "Eeaap!" is what I think she said. Letters to that effect anyway.

"What?" I asked, scanning her immediately. Her body temp went up a slight amount, then reverted.

"Braxton Hicks contraction." Jessica said. "Or a regular one. We'll see. My body is getting ready to push this baby out to her daddy's arms."

"Would it help if we made love?" I asked

"Momma likes. I'm on top." Jessica can move amazing quickly still.

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