Even When I Asked, I Didn't Get

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"Timing is everything." I threw in. "If we could, I'd like to talk to you about why we are here. Morgan and I came to talk to you, not Larry."

"Really? Why?" Vera did not expect that.

"Because you work here now. You see and hear things. You are not a male Siren, and therefore might be better able to deal with what I am about to tell you."

Vera leaned back, interested, "And that is?"

"Sirens, more than likely, have been in touch with some humans that are hunting Vampires. They call themselves, at least in the US, the 'Human Purity Alliance'. They are human supremacists. Anti-Hypernatural KKK."

Vera said very slowly "Fuuuck. Me."

"Exactly. As these HPA people rank such things, Vampires are the worse of the lot, but Sirens are next on that list. Using the KKK analogy, think Blacks and mixed ethnicity. They are after us first and are willing to let the Sirens think they are getting away without being part of it. For the HPA, it's binary. Human or non-human. Nothing in between for them."

Vera asked with some acid: "Any chance this group is full of old white men?"

Morgan replied "We are not sure of the full HPA membership. We currently only know that the group has learned that there might be Vampires in Austin and that an unknown Siren or Sirens are their source. However, in addition to their human bigotry, they are also standard issue bigots. Nothing shocking in that: Once you can be a bigot based off one artificial criterion, it is easy to insert any other criteria. In my experience, bigotry is often driven by a feeling of inferiority and of course the fear that such a feeling engenders."

Vera looked at Morgan, processing. "That a Siren might have done this makes sense." She glanced at the office wall: the bar on the other side of it. The place of the Song. "The boys do like to tell their stories. Adrian is nothing short of a legend."

She looked back at me, trying to be unreadable but that is kind of silly. Even before having Angel's blood in me, somehow laying empathetic overtones to my sensory arsenal, my senses would not allow her to hide things.

"When you and I were together, you were this goodie two shoes, wouldn't hurt a fly, peace, love, and equality guy. Nice. Fun. Satisfying. All normal sex stuff but you tried to be sure a girl came, no matter what. That was always nice." Vera shook her head back and forth. "Really hard to live up to in other ways."

Vera gave me a sort of bleary look. "Now you are this bad-boy Vamp, with a reputation and actions that back up the rep. You have beaten the living shit out of an entire room full of Sirens. Several times. Killed an ancient Vampire with your bare hands in front of that same room. There is not a Siren man here that does not fear you or a Siren women here that does not want to at least try you out to see how a Vampire stacks up against the home talent. Fuck, you were a better lover than all the ones I have tried out here when you were human. These guys don't care if I get my nut cracked. Just theirs." That caused a heave of Vera's shoulders.

Vera went on. "Siren men worry not only about the thrashing you can give them but because they know you can take 'their' women. The Siren women here tell the dudes they would jump you in a heartbeat." 

Vera laughed at that. "I am not helping because when they ask me how you are in bed, I tell them you are a god between the sheets."

Vera indicated the shared wall with the bar. "The men here don't know how to compete in ways other than the Song, and the way you make the women want you is far more direct. You are a badass that tips well and that they think can fuck them into a stupor. The guys know they can't compare to your strength, your mad fighting speed, and skills. If you can beat William to death, then they know they have zero chance against you hand-to-hand. When you are here, they are secretly praying you will leave and not be claiming another woman on your way out the door, because they know any Siren woman you want from here will willingly go with you, including me."

Vera gave Morgan a quick glance. "You don't even need your pheromones, like with her. Hell, Adrian, just crook your finger at Leslie, and she'll strip off and fuck you on top of the bar in front of everyone, and then tell all the boys how much better you are than them. Siren men love to collect their little groups of claimed women and those are mostly human, but you could have a harem of the hardest to get girls they know of: Siren women."

Vera gave us a hard to decode expression. Somewhere between pained and tired. "I am not exaggerating Adrian. Human women giving themselves to Sirens happens a lot here. The other Siren women that come here are always asking me what you are like in bed. I tell them what the human-you was like, and they are like 'Wait a second. Back up there Vera!: he goes down on you? Really?'. Sad: That alone is enough to make you bad to the bone. It's true. Siren men are not big on that. I have to threaten them with you to get it, and they still are not good at it."

"For whatever it is worth, Vera, I'm still the other guy. The bad boy thing is all theater." I said, attempting to dismiss Vera's current picture of me.

"Perhaps it is news that other Siren women desire Adrian, but there is nothing secret about your wanting him." Morgan pointed out. It was not snarky.

Vera refused to be put off-balance by Morgan's directness. "No Morgan. Never tried to keep it a secret. He may think he is Captain America and all cleanness and light still, but I fucking saw him kill that William guy. Kill him, barehanded. I fucking SAW what he did to you. He is badass. He is more than he was before. This isn't some theory thing: I was on that fucking porch and I saw him. He owned your proper little ass and turned you into someone else. You are all about control, aren't you? He shredded that. I saw and heard what you wanted from him: What you had to have. It won't get out of my head and I doubt it gets out of yours either. Yes: I want to fuck his brains out, just like you do. If you don't ask for what you want, you'll never get it."

This is really getting off-topic and tiresome for me. "Sometimes when you ask, you still won't"

Vera grumbled: "Oh, I know that. If nothing else, Morgan is next in line, ahead of me. I got out of line, so I get to go to the back. Once she gets you, she ain't NEVER letting go either. That is not news. Even when you were all sweetness and light, I could ask for things and not get them."

"Like?" I asked, curious about what I missed

"Like that time I asked you if you had ever done anal? Remember?"

"Yeah: I said I hadn't, and the conversation ended there." I said defensively since I obviously am missing something.

"Exactly." Vera said her point made to her, but not to me.

"What?" I asked, still not getting it. "You asked, I answered."

Morgan translated for me. "What Vera asked you at that point in time is not if you ever participated in the act of anal sex, although that is clearly how it was phrased. She wanted you to do it. With her. Perhaps 'to her' is a better way to put that?"

I looked at Morgan in disbelief, but a glance at Vera confirmed.

"You were never very good at the hints." Vera said.

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