What Trap?

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It is good to be loved.

With a certain amount of peace in my heart, I dropped the drawing off at the craft jeweler that made the original engagement ring. I left with a light heart and a much lighter wallet. They really did not want to make something even harder than the last ring. I could tell they are not just trying to jack up the price. I think they would prefer if we chose to encrust the thing rather than weave in another delicate bit of metal. We wanted the symbolism, and money or the difficulty is not the point.

I drove to Morgan's office next. Angel sat at her desk typing with light but rapid fingers on her computer. I knocked and then let myself in when I heard the summons to enter. She looked up, gave me a glance, and said: "Much better." then kept on typing.

I am somewhat used to Angel now, so I am not surprised she can summarize my mental and physical state so quickly.

"I think so. Yeah. Much better. Not great yet: Better though." I replied and sat on the couch, avoiding the person-eating chair, to wait for her to finish whatever she was doing with such industry.

I decided to pull her chain because I am me. "Jessica and I talked. She asked me if she dies and Morgan said 'no' who I should try to date next. We agreed upon you."

Angel did not even slow down. "Makes sense. I come with a lovely daughter built in. You want kids. Logical."

"You are no fun to tease." I told her.

"You aren't teasing. I'm third in line. Morgan would not say 'no'. My bad luck." Angel replied, very matter of factly. "Morgan is talking to a potential client right now. Cheating wife case. Not our favorite kind."

"Sounds awful." I agreed "Though I guess cheating spouse cases of any kind or flavor is about the same."

I scented the air and sorted out things. "So: Do you know if her wife is really cheating?"

"If I had to guess, she probably is. This is the first meeting, so Morgan has not looked into it at all yet." Angel replied.

I inhaled. Sorted. Categorized the scents in the room. "Any other women in here this morning?"

"No. Morgan, myself, and our client." She looked at me closely "Why?" she asked suspiciously

"She sat on this couch?" I pointed down.

"Yes..." Angel now very suspicious.

"She smells like three different women. One of them wears 'Charlie'"

Angel looked horrified "Charlie? Oh my god!"

"I know. Tell me about it. It's hell being a hypersensitive sometimes."

Angel texted. Waited. Got a reply. Smiled. "Won't be long now."

"I'm not in a hurry." I replied, and looked at Angel, considering her odd ability.

Angel, of course, knew I am scanning her. "Morgan and I have been trying some things on the HPA situation, but I'll let her tell you about it. Not sure when that door is going to open."

"No problem. As I said. So. What else is new? You adapted to Morgan's new Vampire thing?"

Angel made a face at that question. "Better than she has."

"She is having trouble?" I became suddenly very concerned. She is what she now is because of me.

"Yes. She does not let it show. Of course. She is Morgan. I think she's OK with it, and her mother is thrilled. Morgan loves her father deeply and she does not know how to tell him that she and her mother are going to live a very long time. Much longer than he is."

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