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I told Jessica and Helen I am going to the store for Milk. Milk dies at Casa De Gato in massive amounts. I need it for restocking my blood. Jessica needs it to build the baby. Helen needs it because Helen... Hell. No idea: Half Jessica's size and no longer pregnant due to a spear, but drinks her fair share.

Rachel and I beat the worlds oldest and perhaps most evil Vampire, William, in a hand-to-hand fight. Before the fight ended, William nearly twisted Rachel's head off. Vampires can recover from almost anything as long as they remain alive. Rachel recovered at our house and after a month returned to NYC with a sore neck, occasional headaches, and a need to get back to work.

William did not survive the experience.

Helen went with Rachel to NYC, but a few weeks after came back and stayed. No word on why. If Jessica or I ask her how Rachel is doing, we get short answers. "She's fine". End of answer and clear attitude that says to us 'Don't ask me about Rachel anymore.' Jessica and I decided we are not going to pry.

Except Rachel is my friend and I am going to pry, only without Helen nearby to pummel me.

I pulled off to the side of the road not too far from the house.

Rachel answered her phone almost immediately. "Hi, Adrian. Good evening." I am glad to hear her voice, warm and friendly.

"Hi, Rachel. I hope this is not too late."

"No, not at all. Working on a story."

"Of course you are." I laughed. I paused. Went for it. "Rachel: If this is none of my business, tell me to fuck off, get lost. Stay out of your hair. All that. But first of: How ARE you? Because last I knew my partner in combat just recovered from a damn near broken neck and then boom! She flew away into the sky. Helen is giving us NOTHING about you."

Rachel did not laugh but something in the silence put a picture of a smile in my head. "I am fine Adrian. I still get headaches from the neck strain. Taking massages from a really good Vampire masseuse up here. They help a great deal. I need to work fewer hours or take more breaks according to her."

"She is not wrong, but I cannot see you taking good advice. Especially not when you are diving back into work to avoid a broken heart."

"It seems Helen told you something then?" Rachel asked. Not angry or tired or any of the things I assumed it might be. Perhaps a little sad, but mostly curious.

"Not a thing, Rachel. Not a thing." I assured.

Now she paused a micro-second longer than normal, and I could almost see her preparing her response. Rachel is almost always measured, careful, and well thought out. Comes with being three quarters a millennia-old if nothing else. It is in her nature and part of why she is a great reporter. "Well, you cannot scent me, yet you reached a correct conclusion anyway. Of course, you did because you are you, as always Adrian."

"I know Helen. The way she avoids feelings and introspection. She is hurting, and therefore you are. Rachel: You are my friend. My compatriot in arms against evil. I worry about you because..well. I worry about you. You are someone rare and wonderful. I need you to be OK. So: how can I help you?"

Rachel paused longer, but I think for a different reason. "You can't. Not with this. I feel about you the same way. You are very dear to me, and just because Helen and I are not together I do not want her and my problems to affect you and I."

"It only will if we let it. I will not let it. Pinkie-swear."

"Nor will I." Rachel replied sincerely.

"I don't mean to pry. As I said, tell me to take a leap if you want, but: Helen. You end it? I am guessing you broke it off, not her?"

"Yes. I love her and I want to be with her, but Adrian: I cannot compete with Jessica. I never have been able to. Helen fell hard for her, and I can't be second string. Not right now."

Human Purity Alliance (Hypernaturals 4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ